Jaro Satkevic

Executive at JaroCoin
$ 1,500,000
Projects Raised
About Jaro Satkevic
For the last 20 years I was managing IT projects, building products and running startup companies. I had experience in designing intranets, social networks and business management apps as well as experience in managing developers teams. From 2013 I'm actively looking over bitcoin and blockchain innovations. In 2017 together with partners we have founded blockchain consulting company Blockvis and are actively developing solutions for various blockchain startups and ICO projects. I'm also participating as technical blockchain advisor in a few projects and am creator of JaroCoin - first Initial Time Offering. From April 2018 I have tokenised all of my time and I'm able for hire only by JaroCoin holders. Skills & Expertise: * Areas of interests: Bitcoin, Blockchain solutions, Programmable money, Smart contract development, Data­ driven product design, user experience (UX), Functional progamming; * Software development skills: Solidity, Python, JavaScript/NodeJS, React.js, Elixir; Passion: Martial Arts, Open Source, Crypto-currencies, Theology, Philosophy, Psychology. Social activity: From 2009 I'm organiser of Lithuanian BarCamp events and active member of Lithuanian startups community. In the past I was active OpenSource community member, one of Lithuanian OpenSource movement founders and president of association OpenSource for Lithuania (Atviras kodas Lietuvai). I'm also an instructor of WonHwaDo martial art.
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