Geoffrey McCabe

CEO of The Divi Project Cryptocurrency
$ 7,000,000
Projects Raised
About Geoffrey McCabe
A lifelong entrepreneur, Geoff has built a series of businesses in a variety of sectors. His current focus is building a world-class tech company in the Blockchain/Cryptocurrency space, along with his team at The Divi Project. Geoff is a leader in the blockchain world, and has been interviewed on TV and radio on several occasions, including CheddarTV on the floor of the NY Stock Exchange, BoldTV, TechRepublic's podcast, and at NASDAQ with CNBC's Jon Najarian. He has been interviewed as a cryptocurrency visionary across a broad spectrum of media and quoted in dozens of articles, including in Hackernoon, Computer America, The Street, SmartBusinessHacks, B2B News Network, and BlockTribune. He also owns and runs a cryptocurrency blog called Education: Geoff earned a master's degree in Physics and Materials Engineering and has been the founder and leader of two $6+ million/year companies. The first was Seventh Sense Inc, which built and operated a factory in China with 500+ employees. The second was Anthology Inc, a chain of 30 retail stores in the New England area. Currently Geoff is also the owner of two Hotel/Resorts, as well as Tropisphere Real Estate, one of the top real estate firms in Costa Rica, and has designed and managed his own group of 30+ Costa-Rica related websites with various profit centers. Skills and Specialties: Cryptocurrency, Virtual Reality, Website Design, Photography, Video, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), green building, permaculture, architecture, organic gardening, personnel management, leadership.
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