Dmitry Plahov

Blockchain Software Developer Lead - Sberbank Blockchain Lab
About Dmitry Plahov
He graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum №30 in 1991. In the same year he became a student of the Department of Biomedical Optics of the Engineering and Physics Faculty of ITMO. He participated in a number of projects organized by ITMO Rector V.N. Vasilyev - the federal university computer network RUNNet, distance learning center, laser medical center, etc. Also took an active part in student life. He was elected secretary of the St. Petersburg Union of Students, established by Governor V. A. Yakovlev in 1999. Collaborated with the Union of Scientists at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1996-2000. He graduated from St. Petersburg ITMO University with honors. In the period from 2000 to 2006, he conducted various activities related to the construction and administration of a data center, the management of city trunk communication channels, and the implementation of VoIP. In 2006, he headed the Network Operation Center, which serves a mass audience in the United States. As part of one of the largest Russian integrators (BCC), he developed and implemented a corporate distance learning system in a number of state and commercial organizations in 2007-2010. He became interested in video broadcasting and webinar technologies. On the basis of its own enterprise has created a social video network. Collaborated with the First Channel in 2010-2012. in the field of multilateral video over the Internet. Until 2016, he continued to develop his own projects related to pre-school and webinars. Collaborated with the Test Center at ITMO in the field of pedagogical competence assessment. Since the beginning of 2016, he has been the head of development at Sberbank-Technologies JSC, developing PaaS, SaaS, IaaS cloud technologies based on the OpenStack platform. Since the beginning of 2017, he has been actively involved in developments based on blockchain technology as a CTO of a number of promising projects. Since July 2017, he has been the coordinator of the blockchain-developers community of St. Petersburg, conducting monthly meetings, which address the problems of technology development and implementation.
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