Kaliya Young

Expert, Advisor, Consultant Self-Sovereign Identity, BlockChain & Identity. Founder Internet Identity Workshop.
$ 26,154,432
Projects Raised
United States
About Kaliya Young
Kaliya Young also known as “Identity Woman,” has spent the last 15 years of her career focused on one thing supporting the emergence of an identity layer of the internet that works for and empowers people. A term was coined recently to describe this - self-sovereign identity. Before that it was known as user-centric identity. To share this very specialized knowledge with leaders and decision makers trying to figure it all out via a Knowledge Coaching practice, to meet the specific and specialized needs of her clients. She is an internationally recognized expert in the field of user-centric digital identity and personal data. The Internet Identity Workshop that she co-founded in 2005, twice a year brings together brings the largest concentration on the planet of talent dedicated to designing and building identity systems that empower individuals. She is enrolled first ever class of students in the Masters of Science in Identity Management and Security at the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. Kaliya the interactive conference designer and facilitator. She has designed and facilitated over 200 unconferences in the past 10 years. She works with a range of organizational & community clients who hire her for their events . Inc Magazine’s December ’09 issue covered the Mass Technology Leadership Council Innovation Unconference that Kaliya facilitated. She has has co-founded several unconferences including She’s Geeky: Connecting Women in Tech, Digital Death Day covering what happens to your data after you die and Open Government Directive Workshop Series among others. She is active in several facilitator communities of practice including the Bay Area Fabulous Facilitators and National Coalition on Dialogue and Deliberation. She was an active contributor to the community developing the Group Works Deck.
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