Alex Rahaman

Projects Raised
United Kingdom
About Alex Rahaman
Digital executive and entrepreneur with a track record of scaling businesses and delivering shareholder value. Including: - CEO of NEXD the leading creative management platform founded in Estonia, now global - CEO and Founder of StrikeAd, the first Mobile Demand Side Platform. Sold May 2015 to Sizmek Inc, a global open ad management company - Led sale process of UK Ad Network, Unanimis, culminating in sale to Orange/France Telecom in Aug 2009. Then built up the Mobile Advertising Division at Orange - Led spin out of OpenX, a leading global media exchange, to Index Ventures in 2007 (£3m, later to Accel $16m) - In founding team of Touch Clarity (sold to Omniture 2006 for $60m) - Co-founded a venture backed mobile content business, Jeego Specialties: Entrepreneur, Mobile Advertising, Digital Advertising Sales and Technology, Growth Companies, Mergers and Acquisition, Private Equity, Finance
  • Denmead
  • St. Paul's School, London
  • University of Oxford
    • 2.1 M.A.
    • Geography
  • PowerLinks Media
    • Chairman
  • EXCHAIN by EnvisionX
    • Advisor
  • NEXD
    • CEO
  • See 10 more
  • Sizmek
    • VP Programmatic
  • StrikeAd
    • CEO and Founder
  • Ariadne Capital
    • Associate Director
  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers
    • Assistant Manager
  • Rippll
    • Chairman
  • Orange
    • Director of Mobile (Unanimis)
  • IAB UK
    • Mobile Council member
  • Jeego (formerly Sharpcards)
    • Co-Founder
    • COO then Non-Executive Director
  • Pridie Brewster Corporate Finance
    • Director
  • Touch Clarity
    • Business Development Director
Associated ICOs
EXCHAIN by EnvisionX
EXCHAIN by EnvisionX