

Zensoft is a scalable, software development service, powered by machine learning, and provides a 100% on-time and on-budget guarantee.

hakkında ZenSoft

Trust, transparency and predictability is important when deciding on your technology partner. The status of your product shouldn't be a mystery to you. You shouldn't be in the office until 11pm because you're putting out fires. And you shouldn't be building a less ambitious roadmap because you're not sure you can get things done. It’s your business, you should have full transparency. 

At Zensoft, we don't believe this is a radical idea. 

We started Zensoft because we saw that software development has a serious trust problem - and we've figured out how to solve it. Whether you're a startup looking to launch an MVP or an enterprise business that is going through a digital transformation, we're here to help you deliver. 

On time, on budget, guarantee. 


David Tolioupov
Co-Founder and CEO
Dinara Ruslan
Director of Project Development
Arkady Zapesotsky
VP, Customer Success
Maxim Klivenko
Co-Founder and COO
Frank Von Thun
Managing Partner, HK

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