

Navigating the Universe of Financial Freedom

hakkında Takadao

TAKADAO is a platform for halal insurance powered by the blockchain, creating a new kind of global insurance for the new, global age. For the first time, Muslims from all over the world are able to access value-aligned, transparent insurance at a never-before-possible scale.

"When we were living in RAK, there was a family we were very close to. The wife was my Quran teacher and the husband was very active in the community. The husband went for Umrah with a friend and on the way back, his friend, who was driving, fell asleep at the wheel and the car went under a large transport truck; both of them were killed. My friend was widowed with 4 young children, the oldest was around 12 at the time.

The thing I remember most vividly was visiting the wife the day after. She was devastated of course, but the house was full of sisters, there was nowhere to sit. Everyone in the community was trying to pitch in; whether with money, stuff, food, taking care of the kids, job offers, even marriage offers; the whole community rallied. Mashallah it was something that I never forgot.

Takaful is exactly like that, based on the mutual aid and cooperation of our communities; except that we're being proactive about things. Instead of reacting to something that happens, we get ready before it does. My friend was well-known within the community, so when something happened, she had a lot of help. Most people may not have as large of a support group around them, that's where having a global community through Takaful is powerful inshallah.

Incidentally, my friend got through those tough times and she's doing well alhamdulillah; her 2 older kids are in university now and she's back in the classroom teaching Quran, mashallah."

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