APPICS is a next generation, reward-based social media application that introduces a new ecosystem which merges lifestyle, passion, and user-generated income inside a single mobile application. Unlike on any other popular social media site, where 100% of the platform’s value and revenue goes to the corporate shareholders, APPICS enables all users to earn a fair share of the overall revenue, as well as creative influence within the network, through a cryptocurrency reward-token.

hakkında APPICS

APPICS mission is to return the value created by the time spent in a social network, back to the content creators and the audiences who love and support them. Content and engagement are the core value of a social media platform. Users who spend their time and energy, creating and curating content for social media are responsible for keeping the platform alive. APPICS turns the traditional social media hierarchy around by giving  its users the opportunity to receive financial compensation directly from their content and engagement, earning real revenue from receiving “likes” directly via blockchain technology. Not only do content creators earn income for posting and sharing their content, but other users who “like” it earn income simply by supporting the content and creators as well. This is a revolutionary win-win concept.  


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Tony Winchester
Founder & CEO
Uma Hagenguth
Founder & COO
Sandro Ieva
Founder & CBO
Esko Voss
Media & Communications Manager
Josephine Tögemann
Chief Administrative Officer
Christian Heusinger
Jürgen Simon
Lead Programmer Backend
Jörg Birkhold
Lead Programmer Frontend
Manuel Fiedler
Android Lead Developer
Timotheus Laubengaie...
iOS Developer
George Savvidis
Android Developer
Johannes Semmler
iOS Developer
Lisa Dang
Marketing Assistant
Selena Saignasith
Marketing Assistant
Paul Ring
President of Business Operations U.S.
Amanda Manares
Senior VP Business Operations U.S.
Reyna Banks
Influencer Management U.S.
Felix Sander
Chief Marketing Officer
Dr. Art Melone
Jedidiah Taylor