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21 нояб. 2021 г.

Инновационное веб-приложение, посвященное опытному туризму, основанному на технологии блок-цепочки, новый способ пережить идеальный отдых с помощью алгоритмов и искусственного интеллекта.
3 дек. 2021 г.
9 дек. 2021 г.
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Yookye srl
Зарегистрированная Страна
Компания основана
Jun 28, 2018
дополнительные детали
MVP / Prototype

О проекте YOOKYE

Yookye - это опытная туристическая платформа, которая позволяет путешественникам получать персонализированные предложения по индивидуальному проживанию и опыту, без необходимости проводить дни на различных сайтах и с дополнительной ценностью, предлагаемой возможностью использовать знания экспертов в этой области. Yookye налаживает партнерские отношения с местными поставщиками, чтобы создать настоящий эмпирический праздник, позволяющий посетителям погрузиться в реальность выбранного места назначения и, благодаря разработкам проекта, принять или получить дома характерные черты территории.
Yookye стремится обеспечить инновационный опыт бронирования, предлагая пользователям индивидуальный опыт путешествия, с учетом их потребностей и наклонов. Это выходит за рамки обычного пребывания. Праздник приобретает ценность благодаря возможному опыту, предлагаемому различными мероприятиями, которые можно забронировать. В нашем видении разница уже не в месте назначения, а в удовлетворении потребностей современного путешественника путем выбора мира новых возможностей для опробования на месте. Вы можете расплачиваться традиционными методами или через крипто-валюту Ethereum (а в будущем и с владельцем жетона YOOK).

Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com/Translator (бесплатная версия)


Yookye is an experiential tourism platform that allows travelers to receive personalized proposals for tailor-made stays and experiences, without having to spend days on different websites and with the added value offered by the ability to draw on the knowledge of experts in the area. Yookye builds partnerships with local suppliers to create a real experiential holiday, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the reality of the chosen destination and, thanks to the developments in the project, take or receive at home the typical features of the territory.
Yookye aims to provide an innovative booking experience, offering users personalized travel experiences, tailored to their needs and inclinations. It goes beyond the usual stay. The holiday assumes value thanks to the possible experiences offered by the various activities that can be booked. In our vision, the difference is no longer the destination, but the fulfilment of the needs of the modern traveller by choosing a world of new opportunities to try out on site. You can pay with the traditional methods, or through the cryptocurrency Ethereum (and in the future with the token owner YOOK).


#YOOKYE   #blockchain #decentralized #rental_platform #RealEstate #booking #cryptocurrencies  #bitcoin #ETH #token #YOOK #experiential_tourism

YOOKYE Roadmap

  • Q4 2021

  • Approval of YOOK Architecture Design
    Whitepaper Draft
    Listing on PancakeSwap
    Listing on Coingecko & Coinmarketcap
  • Q4 2017

  • Search Figures for Team Completion
  • Q1 2022

  • Active involvement in events
    Yook token implementation in Yookye WebApp
  • Q2 2018

  • Business Plan Creation
    Legal constitution of the company
  • Прочитайте больше
  • Q3 2018

  • Partnerships Research
    Whitepaper Revision
  • Q4 2018

  • Presentation to Investors
  • 2019

  • YOOKYE Platform Alpha Version
    YOOKYE Platform Final Version
    BTC, ETH, YOOK Payment Systems Integration
    Customer Portfolio Development
    Marketing Development
  • 2020

  • Pre-ICO & ICO
    YOOK Token Quotation on Exchanges

YOOKYE Команда

Проверено 63%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Paolo Taricco
CEO & co-founder
Fabrizio Rossano
CMO & co-founder
Pietro Ramunno
Livio Oggero
Web Marketing Manager
Ullas Gallarato
Wii Development
Maria Fazio
Stefania Piovano
Costomer Service Specialist


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Riadi Piacentini
Legal Advisor
Massimo Villari

Бывшие сотрудники

Claudio Fruttero
CTO - Web & Mobile Developer
Massimo Pellegrini
Team Leader & co-founder
Alessandro Sanino
Blockchain Specialist
Caterina Ferrara
Advisor & Community Manager
Alessio Lucca
Gliulio Vianello
Tourism Industry Specialist


$10 984 634

Giovanni Lesna
Loretta Joseph


$14 388 740

Zahid Imran


$25 704 324

Manan Mehta
Silvano Barbero
Blockchain Expert
Stefano Servetti
Global Travel Director
Stefania Libietti
Tour Operator Director

YOOKYE Интервью

Paolo Taricco
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am CEO and co-founder of Yookye and I believe in the development of the world of short-term vacation rentals
Claudio Fruttero
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am Claudio Fruttero, CTO of Yookye.
For me, this project is very useful for the innovation of the holiday home rental market. This project is a true example of sharing economy because introduces cryptocurrencies in everyday life.
Fabrizio Rossano
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the Co-Founder & Art Director of Yookye - The new generation blockchain-based platform for short-term real estate rental.
Massimo Pellegrini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

I am Team Leader and co-founder of Yookye and I believe in the development of the world of short-term vacation rentals
Pietro Ramunno
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Pietro Ramunno, YOOKYE'S Press Officer & Social Media Manager.
I'm a journalist focused on travel and tourism, with an extensive experience in publishing and public relations. In 2013 I founded my media agency, specialized in SocialMedia Management.
Livio Oggero
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a journalist, a copywriter very attentive to web copywriting, SEO copywriting, persuasive copywriting. Beyond the different techniques with which I can help my clients, in my work in online and offline marketing, I always put the relationship with those who trust me. I am a marketing manager for companies.
Alessandro Sanino
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
In Yookye my main role is to make everything run smoothly, from bounty champaign to technical implementation of the project. I manage developers and I help them thanks to my technical blockchain expertise. My role has a strong affinity with CTO and I directly report to him and the founders
Ullas Gallarato
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I Think that Yookye is a revolutionary idea. Introducing crypto value in holiday home rental market is a great Goal and I'm so happy and excited to enter in the Team!
Caterina Ferrara
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Yookye introduces cryptocurrencies in everyday life. It is a true example of sharing economy; it represents a great possibility to save money and of secure, trasparent and traceable transactions in the short term rental. Best services are guaranteed to renters.
Giovanni Lesna
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I provide strategic advisory related to tokenomics, business model monetisation and improvement , ideation and creative ways in removing blockers. I further assist in connecting the team to the correct business and technical networks , business development and growing awareness around the Yookye brand. Yookye is a unique project bringing cost-savings, transparency and efficiency to the idle economy . Yookye is the airbnb of Crypto.
Alessio Lucca
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The project is very useful for the innovation of the holiday home rental market. It will be taken into consideration by a large part of users who require transparency and quality of services.

YOOKYE Последние Новости

  • Поскольку могут существовать временные различия в обновлениях информации, точная информация о каждом проекте ICO должна проверяться через его официальный веб-сайт или другие каналы связи.
  • Эта информация не является предложением или советом по инвестированию в финансирование ICO. Пожалуйста, тщательно изучите соответствующую информацию самостоятельно и примите решение об участии в ICO.
  • Если вы считаете, что существуют проблемы или проблемы, которые необходимо исправить в этом контенте, или если вы хотите представить свой собственный проект ICO для включения в список, напишите нам.
Пожалуйста, прочтите предупреждение об ответственности и предупреждение о рисках. Показать отказ от ответственности и предупреждение о рисках.