Welltrado - это уже работающая масштабируемая платформа на основе блокчейна
, которая позволяет инвесторам покупать
и продавать ссуды у тысяч различных поставщиков
по всему миру, инвестировать в одноранговое кредитование
финансирует (P2P) и управляет инвестиционными портфелями.
Есть три основные проблемы:
Трудности в диверсификации и управлении инвестициями;
Проблемы с прозрачностью и репутацией; & nbsp; Проблемы с мобильностью криптовалюты и активов через границы.
& nbsp; & nbsp; Мы предлагаем для них три решения:
Кроссплатформенный агрегатор кредитов с рейтингами и блокчейном;
Welltrado P2P фонд для международных и международных инвесторов;
Управление портфелем ссуд на разных платформах в одной панели.
Up to 10X higher returns
We provide the ability to invest even in platforms where it has not been possible for more than 10 years. We believe that returns should not vary based on where you live – everyone should have access to high-interest rates.
Up to 7X faster
On average, traditional investors open accounts on 7 different P2P Lending Platforms. It might take days or even weeks to pass a verification process, get used to the new interface, and even longer to manage and track investments. Welltrado makes this process much faster. Create an account at Welltrado, get verified, and all platforms and their loans can be reached with a single click.
More than 10M loans in a single dashboard
No one can stop your lending, not even politics, economic policies or banks. No middleman, just you and the loans. Lower your risk by choosing from thousands of P2P lending platforms and millions of loans.
Up to 20% more investments
Welltrado works exclusively with retail and institutional investors only. Internet Lending Platforms have a great chance to get additional investments to their loans while working with Welltrado in a 100% automated and optimized way.
100+ different deposit options
Currently, 95% of Lending Platforms have very few deposit options. In most cases, there is a single PSP integration, or perhaps none at all. Welltrado will provide Lending Platforms with „Payment aggregator module“ which will enable investors to deposit money from any bank or e-wallet (including Paypal, Skrill, Neteller, Credit Cards, Mobile payments + 100 other different methods).
10x faster administration process for investors
Many big Lending Platforms prefer to work with a few big investors rather than many single individuals because of the cost of administration and verification time. After the ICO Welltrado will seek to become an Asset Management company, making us the preferred source of investments for Lending Platforms. Welltrado will take care of the KYC of investors.
15% less defaulted loans
Welltrado‘s goal is to aggregate loans from Lending Platforms. With millions of loans gathered, and with the help of big data and machine learning, we will be able to notice particular patterns of loans and borrowers. Therefore, we will be able to assess the risk not just on a local, but on a continental level. This means that Lending Platforms will get the additional know-how to their own risk-assessment process and will be able to improve the “Risk score” of the loans, making investments on their platform more attractive.
Welltrado will seek funding through an ICO (Initial Coin Ofering) in March 2018.
The Welltrado token sold during the token launch is known as the Welltrado token,
or WTL. This is the only time that these tokens can be created, and therefore the
total supply of WTL is fixed.
Fees, similar to those of a P2P lending market, will be charged to participants on the Welltrado
services and applications layers (but as a reminder, not the basic core layer). These fees will
initially be denominated in cryptocurrency, namely ETH.
WAT tokens
Welltrado seeks to not only create interesting software, but also a community of those interested
in sharing their lending wisdom about Welltrado markets. To do this, we have created a model that
lowers the barrier to entry for repeat users (e.g., having to pay ETH repeatedly). Therefore, in
addition to paying this fee in ETH, Welltrado ecosystem participants will be able to pay the fee in
Welltrado Access Tokens, or WAT tokens.
Welltrado Access Token (WAT) can be used to pay platform fees on the services layer or for
buying/selling in Welltrado loans market or paying fees for funds management.
WAT will be pegged to $1 worth of fees. This way, WAT acts as a coupon for $1 of use within
Smart contract
Welltrado tokens (WTL) are the generator for access token (WAT) creation. WAT can only be
created via activating the utility of the Welltrado (WTL) tokens. This is done via a smart contract
The smart contract works as follows: WTL holders agree to “lock” their tokens in a smart contract
(min. 1 month). A multiplier is added for longer lock durations. The smart contract determines the
user selected lock duration and applies that duration to a formula that is designed to regulate the
supply of Welltrado tokens currently in use.
Prior to locking their WT in the smart contract, users will be able to see exactly how much WAT
they will receive as a result of executing the smart contract.
Once users execute the contract, 30% of their WAT will be distributed for immediate use, and the
remaining 70% will be distributed proportionally over the locked duration.
Once the lock duration expires, the locked WTL ceases to generate WAT, and the WTL becomes
freely transferable by the holder. There is no limit (other than duration) for how many times
Welltrado tokens may be used to create WAT
How can Welltrado remain viable if participants choose not to pay in WAT?
A core value proposition of Welltrado (and decentralization) is to guarantee future characteristics
of platforms to both retail and institutional investors, without relying on the trustworthiness of an
operating company. In order to do this, elements including fee rates must be codified into the
software itself. It is expected that WAT will be the overwhelmingly predominant method for
paying fees in the Welltrado ecosystem.
Mar 2018
December, 2016
MVP - more integrations
May 2018
March, 2017
First investment
Oct 2018
March, 2017
Gaining traction
Dec 2018
September, 2017
ICO Prepared
Jan 2019
November, 2017
Legal structure for institutionals are setup
Feb 2019
December, 2017
March, 2018
Fund management license acquirement
May, 2018
FML recieved
October, 2018
Portfolio management platform for RETAIL UNVEILED
December, 2018
First fund token distribution
January, 2019
Portfolio management platform INSTITUTIONALS out.
February, 2019
Проверено 0%
Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды
Это предложение основано на информации, предоставляемой исключительно оферентом и другой общедоступной информацией. Событие продажи или обмена токеном полностью не связано с владельцем ICO, а владелец ICO не участвует в нем (включая любую техническую поддержку или продвижение). Продажи Token, перечисленные у лиц, с которыми не связан ICOholder, показаны только для того, чтобы помочь клиентам отслеживать активность, происходящую в общем секторе токенов. Эта информация не предназначена для консультаций, на которые вы должны положиться. Вы должны получить профессиональную или специальную консультацию или выполнить свою собственную должную осмотрительность, прежде чем принимать или воздерживаться от каких-либо действий на основе контента на нашем сайте. Любые условия, вносимые участниками в отношении приобретения Токенов, заключаются между ними, а эмитент Token и ICOholder не является продавцом таких токенов. ICOholder не несет никакой юридической ответственности за любые представления третьих сторон в отношении любой продажи Token, и любая претензия в связи с нарушением контракта также должна быть сделана непосредственно против зарегистрированного лица Token, перечисленного здесь.
Если у вас есть какие-либо опасения по поводу характера, приличия или законности продажи этого токена или лиц, участвующих в нем, обратитесь в info@icoholder.com с подробной информацией о ваших проблемах.