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Blockchain based digital advertising. The VIE Token is the new token for the digital advertising industry. It pays publishers for their content and users for their attention, while providing advertisers with more in return for their ads.
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With VIEWFORVIEW and VIE App we want to take Crypto to the next 1B users and solve the endemic inefficiencies and privacy violations hobbling the digital ad industry.

VIE has seen stunning results since its integration into the VIE app first global private ad platform: 55 million monthly active users, 16 million daily active users, 1.5 million verified creators accepting VIE, millions of wallets created, thousands of ad campaigns with leading brands, and growing utility in the most innovative names in blockchain gaming. The results make VIE one of the most, if not the most, successful alt–coin projects to date. VIE is now bridged across Ethereum and Solana blockchains, and offers utility to both ecosystems.


  • Phase 1

  • VIEW already has an anonymized ledger system for making donations and payments to publishers based on user attention. The secure vault using the ANONIZE algorithm to ensure customer privacy is an important piece of the VIE ecosystem which is already in place and deployed in VIEW. VIEW is already measuring user attention at the app level and distributing donations to the
    publishers using this system.
  • Phase 2

  • VIE wallet integrated with the VIEW app. Verification and transactions to be handled by VIEW’s internal Zero Knowledge Proof ledger system to protect individual user anonymity from advertisers, publishers and third parties. Ad inventory will be valued, and transactions will be calculated from reported Basic Attention Metric (BAM) data.
  • Phase 3

  • Make the transfer and verification process entirely distributed on Biance using a state channel scheme with Zero Knowledge Proof protocol for ensuring user privacy. Add alternate BAM metrics based on advertiser feed- back. This will allow for full user privacy as well as a decentralized audit trail for advertisers, users and publishers to ensure they received correct payments for the advertising delivered through the VIE network.
  • Phase 4

  • Further BAM metrics based on advertiser feedback as needed. Partners building applications on the VIE infrastructure. Also, at this point we plan to explore value-added services that can be offered to users on the app platform through VIE.


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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Logan S. Perez
Susan J. Newsom
Graphic Designer
Mary J. Wardle
Nicholas M. Sharpe
UI / UX Designer
Cecelia T. Carter
Terry T. Robinette

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