Vector Finance

Vector Finance

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Deposit on Vector, the best yield booster on Avalanche.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • BKEX
    VTX/USDT 11 месяцев назад
    $ 0.0602
    $ 103.771 K
  • Trader Joe
    VTX/0XB31F66AA3C1E785363F0875A1B74E27B85FD66C7 2 год назад
    $ 0.4657
    $ 937.108 K
  • Trader Joe
    VTX/0XEB8343D5284CAEC921F035207CA94DB6BAAACBCD 2 год назад
    $ 0.2745
To be announced
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О проекте Vector Finance

Vector Finance is a protocol that synergistically integrates with Platypus Finance and Trader Joe. Vector enables users to generate boosted yields on their stablecoins or JOE LP deposits, even if they don’t own any PTP or JOE.

Vector is able to do this by aggregating PTP and JOE from users who choose to convert their PTP or JOE on our platform. In doing so, Vector unlocks utility for the PTP and JOE tokens: users who convert their PTP into xPTP, or their JOE into zJOE receive a portion of the yield generated by the protocol. This allows for better capital efficiency and a more diverse user base for Platypus and Trader Joe.

VTX (Vector's governance token) receives a share of Vector's revenue (~33.3%) and unlocks the highly sought after voting power from PTP or JOE holders who may not be as concerned with governance. VTX is rewarded to xPTP and zJOE stakers, stablecoin and JOE LP depositors, and liquidity providers for our tokens.

Understanding VTX

  1. VTX is the native governance token for Vector Finance. It has four primary use cases:VTX stakers receive a portion of Vector’s protocol fees (~33.3% of all fees). The other 66.6% of fees are used to incentivize xPTP staking
  2. Users can “lock” their VTX for 16 weeks. By locking VTX, users get:
  3. VTX tokenholders can supply VTX-AVAX LP on Trader Joe to receive incentivized emissions
  4. Eventually, Vector will establish decentralized governance, where VTX emission weighting and bonus emissions will be determined by the community

Obtaining VTX tokens

  • VTX can be purchased on Trader Joe
  • VTX is emitted as a reward for Platypus stablecoin and JOE LP token depositors
  • VTX is rewarded to xPTP and zJOE stakers
  • VTX is distributed to xPTP-PTP and VTX-AVAX liquidity providers that stake their LP tokens on the Vector platform (incentives for zJOE-JOE liquidity providers will come after the addition of zJOE)

Vector Finance Последние Новости

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