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UPI расшифровывается как Unit Payment International, компания, которая работает на основе блокчейна. Сделать контейнер для кредитного рынка и торгового портала по технологии блокчейн. Проект UPI осуществляется из Швейцарии, США и России, который был основан ведущими компаниями по обмену валюты. Работа? Индустрия блокчейнов и криптовалют имеет капитал более тысячи миллиардов, и будущее этой технологии очень яркое. UPI только доводит эту технологию до общественности, имея ряд основ, которые люди могут использовать каждый день и имеют большие шансы на развитие.
27 окт. 2018 г.
27 нояб. 2018 г.
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Зарегистрированная Страна
United States
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MVP / Prototype

О проекте UPI

The vision of the UPI Project is to redefine the meaning of communities, and in doing so, introduce an era of decentralization.We envision creating a new world by connecting such communities.Communities today are commonly defined by its social and political functions and limited to the economic boundaries set forth by nation states. Through UPI, communities can go beyond and be free from traditional economic system and promote frictionless value exchanges with other communities,eventually resulting in maximum total utility of society. UPI is not limited to the real world, but it directly connects and communica tes with the crypto world creating the most robust network that can scale without limits.

The UPI Project aims to build a decentralized network that allows independent blockchains with different governances to transact with one another without intermediaries. Anyone can create a new blockchain project and join the network. A new blockchain project is free to connect with existing projects and create new unique worlds, or blockchain multiverse. UPI itself can be viewed as both a living organism and an eco system. UPI is a vision with a proven track record and has progressed beyond the initial concept stage. UPI already boasts communities comprised of reputable institutions banks, securities, insurance, hospitals, universities, and more. A future with faster money remittance and frictionless value exchange of securities, medical records,academic data, insurance fees is within our reach.With UPI, we now enter into a world of true hyperconnectivity.

The advent of the blockchain technology has introduced the world of decentralization and is challenging our preconceived perspectives of the current social, political, and economic systems, most notably, the central banking system. The rapid advancement of this technology has begun to break the boundaries between countries, providing glimpses of an improved, alternative future. Yet, the technology is still at its infancy and is plagued with shortcomings in terms of performance, ease of use, and service quality. Apart from these demands, many blockchain projects place emphasison the decentralization of the blockchain, but present a number of limitations in real world applications.There are fascinating projects such as Steem that operates a crypto world, a virtual service on top of its own blockchain. However, other projects that attempt to connect to the real world are facing limitations, and hence, realizing the need for more research and development. To overcome such limitation of connecting the real world to crypto world, UPI was started.

UPI Roadmap

  • 2018 May 01

  • Establishment of UPI
  • 2018 September 27

  • UPI Selfdrop
  • 2018 November 26

  • Selfdrop Ends
  • 2018 December 07

  • UPI projects are listed on the exchange
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 2019 February 11

  • Launch of the Loan Program
  • 2019 March 02

  • Launching the Exchange Trial
  • 2019 April 01

  • Launch of OUR Exchange

UPI Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Waylon Dalton
CEO & Lead Blockchain
Stefan Harary
CTO & Senior Developer


$2 000

Moises Teare
Blockchain App Developer


$2 000

Gabriel Bernal
Community Management

UPI Последние Новости

  • Поскольку могут существовать временные различия в обновлениях информации, точная информация о каждом проекте ICO должна проверяться через его официальный веб-сайт или другие каналы связи.
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