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🌿 The first project that allows real participation in the forestry business 📈 The world's most valuable asset.
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    Том 24Н
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  • BitMart
    TUPAN/USDT 9 месяцев назад
    $ 0.0048
    $ 112.733 K
Pre Sale
15 апр. 2021 г.
30 апр. 2021 г.
100% завершено
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О проекте TUPAN

Tupan currency is born to solve, and assertively, the necessary transition to a regenerative and circular economy. By joining the high technology of cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks, with the most significant demands of the century, Tupan brings you the opportunity to make a difference in the environment while enjoying an investment with a high potential for appreciation.

ForestAu Green LLC is an American equity investment fund focused on Environmental Assets formed by a group of Brazilians with corporate and financial backgrounds who wanted to foster the regenerative circular economy in the Amazonia region. Its founding took place in the United States because of the maturity of the Capital Markets.

This technological advance also serves as an ally in developing sustainable and resilient economies. The Blockchain's capacity goes through its highly technical computing technological infrastructure and provides us with storage, traceability, and validation of financial processes for an evolution of the regenerative circular bioeconomy.

When the ZENIQ blockchain concept establishes, one of its foundations was to provide a solid ecosystem for real-world asset digitization. This proposal’s goal was to extend the reach of a new generation of investors to liquid financial and illiquid assets, like fine art.

The environmental investors usually demand a place to farm and cultivate. It needs to be a secure place with an investment capacity, which requires location availability and proper investing in security measures. Giving up the control and leaving the forest/area in the hands of climate changes may be an option if the investor does not have the sufficient funds to invest, but we all know it’s not a good one.

ForestAu Green LLC is the only real Farm of Forestry company bringing a STO in 2020, showing its consistency as a start-up, as an operational business and giving real and continuous profit to the environmental investors throught its unique project: TUPAN.

TUPAN is the first project that allows a real participation in the forestry business. All token owners will receive profits and dividends from their investiments.

TUPAN Команда

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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Oderli Feriani

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