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Timpi is revolutionizing how we search and organize all information on the web. We are the world’s first completely decentralized search engine with its own index.

We deliver full access to uncensored and unbiased information. Our index is governed and powered by our verified users at scale, made possible through our proprietary blockchain technology. Our technology enables us to fully protect our user’s data and privacy without compromising on user experience and search result quality.
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О проекте Timpi

Timpi is a first of its kind decentralized online search engine. In contrast to today's search result provider market, Timpi disrupts the market through its independence, scalability, and truly distributed approach.

Timpi's proprietary web search index is the world's first completely independent and decentralized search index. It is designed to integrate blockchain technology within the framework of traditional global commerce while being autonomously governed and globally scalable.

A search engine that delivers the truth. Timpi is reclaiming the way we search — more open, ethical and free from corporate agendas.

We’re deeply concerned about the monopolization of the search engine industry, which has resulted in a lack of accountability, transparency, and competition, harming both consumers and innovation.

Through our proprietary technology we have built the first completely independent and decentralized web index that is autonomously governed, globally scalable, and designed to integrate blockchain technology within the framework of traditional global commerce.

This independence allows us to rethink the user experience of search data without being constrained by traditional business models.

We believe in the universal right to access information that is part of the web as it represents the collective knowledge of humanity. Through the timpi web index, Individuals corporations and society at large will for the first time have a conduit to the most current and compressive information available.

Our proprietary index is rapidly expanding, capable of indexing 300 million records per day. Our unique approach enables us to do it all at a fraction of the cost of existing market players. This means we can offer unbeatable value while still maintaining the highest level of privacy and impartiality.

Our flagship product, Timpi Search, has been designed with privacy and impartiality at its core, providing users with a reliable and independent alternative to the current market leader.

But Timpi Search is just the beginning. Our road map includes a range of innovative products, including our Data Market and App Store, all powered by our proprietary technology.

Timpi Команда

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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Joerg Buss Founder
Co-CEO VP of Research & Development
Gareth Evans
Neville Richardson

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