Stem Cell

Stem Cell

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16 сент. 2018 г.

Стволовая клетка ICO
 Мы расширяем нашу сеть с экспертами, лабораториями, клиниками, больницами и некоммерческими организациями. Наша конечная цель - связать людей, нуждающихся в лечении, с правильными профессиональными решениями и экспертами для их уникальных потребностей. В SCI, как и многие другие службы в современном обществе, я думаю, что такое соединение удобно и должно быть сделано у вас под рукой. Что бы ни происходило, мы можем мгновенно связаться со специалистом по стволовым клеткам с помощью приложения · инновации · стволовых клеток (приложение SCI) независимо от того, откуда все люди и сколько конфиденциальной информации можно обмениваться с экспертами. Хотите поделиться ею?
21 нояб. 2018 г.
17 янв. 2019 г.
100% завершено
$2 520 000
100% цель завершено
  • 1 SCIA
    0.15 USD
17 сент. 2018 г.
9 окт. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$2 520 000
100% цель завершено
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О проекте Stem Cell

Stem Cell Innovations (SCI) - это сеть высоко мотивированных исследователей, экспертов-медиков, преданных инвесторов и инженеров-новаторов, работающих вместе над созданием уникальной платформы, объединяющей две самые изменяющие жизнь инновации XXI века: технология стволовых клеток и блокчейн тэ chnology.

С момента своего первоначального основания в начале 2013 года под названием Camden RAD, LLC, SCI играла решающую роль в исследованиях и разработках стволовых клеток по всему миру, и мы провели собственные исследования на национальном и международном уровнях, чтобы продолжить исследования в этой захватывающей области. , Деятельность SCI в области науки о стволовых клетках непосредственно способствовала развитию в этой области, а также новым открытиям стволовых клеток во всем мире.

Стволовые клетки - это уникальный тип многоклеточных клеток, обнаруживаемых в организме человека. Это недифференцированная коллекция клеток, которые способны обеспечить бесчисленное множество применений при разработке новых клеток для применения при лечении заболеваний и состояний, восстановлении и восстановлении частей тела, а благодаря нашим исследованиям и разработкам появятся многие другие приложения.

На сегодняшний день области исследований SCI включают ортопедические, неврологические и легочные состояния, а также применение онкологических стволовых клеток. Хотя исследования, проведенные SCI, добились успехов в этих областях медицины, остается
насущная необходимость в дальнейших исследованиях и разработках в огромной взаимосвязи медицинских состояний, которые затрагивают миллионы людей во всем мире. Являясь лидером в исследованиях стволовых клеток, SCI планирует и впредь организовывать и участвовать во многих других тематических исследованиях для сбора данных, которые можно использовать для развития этой инновационной области.


В настоящее время больницы и организации в Соединенных Штатах и ​​во всем мире проводят исследования стволовых клеток для дальнейшего развития этой области. На сегодняшний день большинство тематических исследований показывают положительные результаты. Во время клинических исследований за пределами Соединенных Штатов стволовые клетки были успешно использованы в качестве одной из форм лечения. Лечение и технология стволовыми клетками по-прежнему находятся на переднем крае медицинских исследований и открытий, и мы прогнозируем, что стволовые клетки станут еще более важной частью медицинского сообщества.

В дополнение к дальнейшим исследованиям, SCI планирует предложить банкинг стволовых клеток через свою экосистему приложений стволовых клеток. Родители смогут заказать набор для сбора, назначить курьерскую доставку и подписаться на хранение стволовых клеток - и все это через одно безопасное приложение. Поскольку SCI предложит своим пользователям всемирную сеть хранения и терапии стволовыми клетками, он имеет уникальную возможность упростить процесс банковского обслуживания стволовых клеток для родителей и снизить затраты на сбор и хранение.

SCI разработала уникальную формулу, которая позволит нашим пользователям приобретать уникальное, специально разработанное лечение синтетическими стволовыми клетками для своих медицинских нужд. С согласия пациента и минимальной информации, такой как дата рождения, группа крови, аллергия, диагностика и ряд вопросов, связанных со здоровьем, SCI будет выполнять внутренние безопасные лабораторные последовательности, которые включены в разработанный нами собственный алгоритм. алгоритм дает возможность структурировать специально разработанную синтетическую стволовую клетку для человека, нуждающегося в особом лечении. SCI гордится этой революционной технологией и еще больше рада поделиться ею с миром. Прогресс в исследованиях стволовых клеток и доступности от SCI приведет мир к выдающимся инновациям для жизни.


Техническая информация

Protecting confidential user information is vital to the success of a system like the one we are proposing. to ensure security and privacy, Stem Cell Innovations will require users signing into the SCIApplication to provide information and generate a unique identifier within the SCI ecosystem. A unique identifier is an alphanumeric string of information that is assigned to a specific piece of data in an electronic database; in this case, the SCI platform and application. users will be given a unique identifier that will be generated using a proprietary algorithm, which will be used and stored using blockchain technology. the SCI unique identifier will act as users’ keys within the SCI network. through cryptographic methods, the data used to generate the key will be kept secret and secure, able to be parsed only by the SCI decoder. unique identifiers enable access to customized stem cell services and therapies offered throughout the expansive SCI network to our users. SCI will provide personalized stem cell solutions to patients using our platform, and as the SCI network and suite of services grow, users who opt into these services will be apprised of advancements and new treatment options as they become available.

SCI plans to run on dual blockchain platforms. the first platform will be built on an ethereum base for token use only, and it will be powered by the eRC20 platform. the second blockchain will be a custom application designed and built by SCI engineers tailored to fit the healthcare environment.
SCI has decided to build its own blockchain for storing and processing patient stem cell records. this customized blockchain is known as SCIChain. SCIChain will use the Hyperledger fabric network, which will be designed to use smart contracts to protect data and ensure only authorized individuals have access to user data. SCI engineers realize that the Hyperledger fabric blockchain has unique functionalities that differ from other blockchain types that fit with the needs of SCI’s vision and product.

Smart contracts are the gatekeepers of the SCIApplication. users will be free to change their settings at will should their treatments change or preferences change. using mathematical equations equal to the eRC20 platform, SCI ensures user privacy. the straightforward validation associated with a blockchain environment is a secure process that ensures data integrity. furthermore, a cryptography public key will be added to the SCIChain and application to promote a higher standard of security. the symmetric-encrypted key used by SCIChain is 2048-bit, which is a supremely secure method of data transformation in today’s technology-based world.

Stem Cell Roadmap

  • white_paper_v1.1.pdf

  • Please check our whitepaper

Stem Cell Команда

Проверено 86%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Moe Galal
Chief Executive Officer / Founder
Ben Barel
Chief Operations Officer / Co-Founder
Ali Alrashidi
Chief Technology Officer / Co-Founder
Matt Galal
Chief of Staff / Co-Founder
Kobi Barel
Operations Engineer / Co-Founder
John Glavinovich
Medical Director
Philip Glukhovsky,
Health Informatics Manager
Roger Williams
VP of Marketing
Liz Curlett
VP, PR & Corporate Communications
Candice Kouchache
Business Development
Ahmed Elsantawi
VP of International Human Resources
David Marmon
Web Designer
Rakel Apodaca
Product Manager
Michelle Chavon


Проверено 33%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

10 ICOs

$5 540 000

Boyan Josic


$7 040 000

Marc X. Ellul
Roger Shortz
Pantea Nakieen
Shahab Sajadi


$5 040 000

Igor Soshkin

Stem Cell Интервью

Moe Galal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Provided clarifications, corrections, and data query resolution with study sites Stem Cell Labs; assisted with quality assurance audits. Developed and reviewed clinical reports, progress/status reports, and final study reports. Build Block-chain to construct the healthcare System, the future of healthcare (Stem Cell) with the future of technology (Block-chain). Form Stem Cell Labs Worldwide.

As the previous founder of Global Medical Management, Inc, founded in 2001, I'm able to tap into my vast network in the medical management community to get the word out about SCI and lends my business expertise to the company in a variety of ways. In order to become the premier provider of stem cell services around the world, myself and the team at SCI continue to collaborate, inspire, and innovate at a time when the medical industry needs not only a face lift, but a complete makeover.
What do you think about idea?
With the better part of 2018 behind us, we look toward what the future holds for SCI and the stem cell community at large. Q4 will see the sale and distribution of the ERC-20 tokens through the Ethereum platform which will drive the continued research and development of stem cell therapies, access, engagement, and treatment around the world. With breakthroughs happening in the stem cell industry on a regular basis, it’s important to pay attention to how this complex, yet soon-to-be-highly-accessible treatment options are changing the world. Much work has yet to be done, but here are just some of the exciting things happening in the stem cell industry at large.

Restoring Heart Function
Regeneration is Made Possible
Creating New Life
Making People Healthy Again

SCI Will Bridge the Gap for Research and Application, idea that never been executed. SCI is working to create research opportunities like these and many others and will connect these innovated treatments to the people who could benefit from them the most with the blockchain-based platform that will provide secure and transparent transactions and interactions to procedures, specialists who can provide such treatments, education, insight, and more. Research and development like what we’ve seen in the first half of 2018 encourages our mission and fuels our vision to bring these life-changing therapies and discoveries to people around the world.
Ben Barel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
healthcare professional with over 20 years of experience managing and overseeing corporate operations, human resources, and compliance reporting in a variety of settings As the Coo, a key member of SCI’s leadership team.
I have taken on a vital leadership role in the building, implementing, and overseeing all of SCI’s corporate operations, processes, workflows and procedures. He plays a critical role in helping to shape and guide the future growth and development of the organization.
What do you think about idea?
This is an amazing project that will

1. bring global awareness for stem cell

2. connect everyone (professional, providers, scientists, and users) around the stem cell.

3. Secure user information on blockchain

4. decentralize stem cell records
Ali Alrashidi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Chief Technology Officer / Co-Founder
I have a background rich in programming and development, I manages SCI’s blockchain platform. My support in furthering academic research in the field of blockchain will allow SCI to grow.
What do you think about idea?
SCI's platform is "Next Generation" Technology, it's paving the way for advancements in Stem Cell & Healthcare on Blockchain. I'm thrilled to be apart of this journey.
Matt Galal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Stem Cell Innovations is changing the face of health care by expanding access to stem cell research.
What do you think about idea?
SCI, we are devoted to the international research development & implementation of stem cell therapy.
Kobi Barel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Responsibilities such as problem solving which includes finding the problem , testing the problem solving and concluding the problem is a daily task as an engineer of operations for companies as innovate radiology Imaging and Stem cell Innovations.
What do you think about idea?
We are bringing two complicated but great tools together to form the best next thing out there for everyone else to follow. I take pride that I am involved in a project that will be used 100 years from now!!
John Glavinovich
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
John Glavinovich, M.D. -Medical Director
With over 30 years’ experience in hospital-related clinical, management and operational practices, Dr. Glavinovich a non-traditional approach to the work being done by the team
What do you think about idea?
For the past 20 years I've had an extensive interest in alternative and cutting age medicine. I've worked in recent years on a preventative, proactive and restorative approach to medical treatment including Stem Cell Therapy, The Idea of bringing Stem Cell services to a secure network is important for me and patients alike. I'm excited to see this company reach it's potential and change the way people receive Stem Cell Treatment.
Philip Glukhovsky,
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
To consult in proper utilization of stem cell technology and new stem cell research. To maintain a streamlined, patient oriented app interface.
What do you think about idea?
Wonderfully innovative and novel approach that will be the beginnings of the future of modern healthcare.
Roger Williams
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role at SCI is as their VP of Marketing, I'm known for my innovative approach to marketing and my experience will greatly benefit SCI as the company expands it network and services in the stem cell industry.
What do you think about idea?
Over the years I've worked with many startup companies, whether I believed in the cause or not, but when I heard SCI's platform model, I immediately jumped on board, knowing it was going to change the future for regenerative medicine.
Liz Curlett
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Liz is responsible for strategic development and tactical implementation of media production programs for Stem Cell Innovations. Activities include presentation, video and visual content program oversight, and in-person appearances and speaking engagements when needed. Liz works closely with all members of the SCI team, to create effective and engaging content in order to update stakeholders and build the SCI Brand.
What do you think about idea?
I believe SCI is building an elegant, multi-faceted solution to need that is without boarders. While some countries are still deciding how they want to regulate and/or facilitate stem cell therapy, the market projections and growing demand cannot be ignored. In addition, SCI has selected blockchain technology to address additional marketplace inefficiencies and to ensure this solution remains accessible.

I am thrilled to be part of a team and look forward to contributing my time, resources and experience to the SCI mission.
Candice Kouchache
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I work closely with the SCI team/board to ensure the success of the project, helping to develop internal practices and overall support.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of SCI is innovative and fresh, they have combined two of the worlds smartest inventions, creating an application that will change the way people look at “stem cells” & “Blockchain”
Ahmed Elsantawi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
VP of International Human Resources
15 years’ experience in Human Resources allows the company to ensure the organization grows in a sustainable and efficient way.
What do you think about idea?
Stem Cells on Blockchain
Stem Cell Innovations is changing the face of health care by expanding access to stem cell research, development, and treatments around the world using blockchain technology.
David Marmon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the designer of all the different web / presentation components as well as the developer of the website.
What do you think about idea?
Very, very solid idea. Much needed and revolutionary. Being a part of this team continues to be great.
Roger Shortz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As an advisor with SCI I bring to the table knowledge as a board certified neurosurgeon with decades of experience. I have advanced training and interest in minimally invasive spinal surgery, as well as complicated spinal instrumentation and fusion.
What do you think about idea?
Stem Cell Innovation is bringing two major issues together to solve the problems we as medical professional have currently. Treatment for with Stem Cells is so "taboo" it is difficult to receive, on the other hand privacy for our patients is threaten daily with the lack of Security with HIPPA. Blockchain technology can change all that. Glad to be of assistance in the process.
Shahab Sajadi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Adviser in the Pharmaciducal aspect , including a detail data comparison of compounding to stem cell treament.
What do you think about idea?
SCI is bring the future of medicine to the public and i am amazed with what we as a company are doing for the upcoming future.

Stem Cell Последние Новости

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