

Created using Figma
Created by the Statistic Brain Research Institute, StatCoin is a coin awarded to research participants and will also be used to award scholarships and fund student research projects. StatCoin will also make it affordable for students, small business owners, and journalists to quickly conduct surveys using StatCoin as payment.
Free StatCoin Distribution
17 апр. 2018 г.
30 июн. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
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О проекте StatCoin



Currently, it can cost thousands of dollars and countless hours to conduct a survey. The average college student or small business owner is typically forced to use old and possibly unverified data.

A significant amount of the data collected today is done so without the knowledge of those whom the data is taken from. Typically, there is no compensation for the collection and use of one’s personal statistical information.

StatCoin, created by the Statistic Brain Research Institute, is on a mission to disrupt and change the way personal data is collected and give the value of one’s personal information back to that individual.



Anyone can participate in StatCoin by simply creating a user account. There are no questions to answer when creating an account. Initially, we are awarding 1,000 StatCoin for all users who create an account.

Users now have the option to earn StatCoin for answering our nearly infinite list of questions and surveys. All questions and surveys are optional.  Users can permanently delete or change any information they have submitted. No personally identifiable information is ever collected.

Surveys can be created by students, small business owners, journalists or for specific educational researchers. Survey creators will be individually verified and approved by StatCoin. Corporations, marketing firms, or political campaigns will only be approved if they disclose all purpose, use and affiliations utilizing the research. All information will be presented to participants and users can determine their own involvement.

Researchers begin by creating their survey on the StatCoin system. A small fee is assessed based on their intended use, number of questions, sample size required. All fees are paid using StatCoin.

When  the survey is created and approved, relevant users are notified. Relevancy is determined by answers a user may have previously provided. 

To minimize wasted time any questions a user has previously answered from our question database will not be displayed to that user.

Our survey system uses several detection methods to ensure participants are engaging the survey and not just clicking through randomly. Users attempting to answer questions with any method other than their own personal human interaction will be banned and forfeit all acquired StatCoin. All survey participants are awarded StatCoin.

All survey results are viewable by any StatCoin holders whose data was compiled in the survey results.


Only 1,350,000 StatCoins have and ever will be created.

Anyone who creates a StatCoin wallet receives 1,000 free STAT until distribution is gone.

All mining and transaction fees will be reinvested into STAT.

Interest will be paid to all STAT holders.

Before STAT is released on public exchanges a Form S-1 will be filed with the SEC to ensure compliance.

Holders of STAT will have exclusive access to published research.

Holders can earn more STAT by participating in periodic research surveys.

7% of STAT has been reserved for scholarship awards

Техническая информация

StatCoin was created on the Stellar network.

StatCoin Roadmap

  • April 17th 2018

  • StatCoin free distribution begins

StatCoin Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

StatCoin Последние Новости

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