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Your Keys, Your Data. Let users control their data across the web. We're building the open-source stack to leave control of identity and data where it should be: with users. This begins with SSX.
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О проекте Spruce

Spruce is building a future where users own their identity and data across all digital interactions. Our open-source credentialing infrastructure is standards-compliant, production-ready, and extensible into typical enterprise and government IT systems.

Today, identity providers, such as Google, Facebook, or Apple manage the entire login experience, but so much more can be unlocked by unbundling the login: user control, data sharing, and faster innovation.

Our libraries are the building blocks for our products, and in the spirit of collaborative innovation, they are modular and open-source for any builders in the community at large.

Founders Wayne Chang and Gregory Rocco met while working at ConsenSys in Brooklyn, New York. They realized that the best way to ensure a user-centric future was to build the core infrastructure that lets users control their data across the web. Enter Spruce in early 2020. As implementers and architects of emerging global identity standards such as W3C Verifiable Credentials, Sign-In with Ethereum, and more, we recognize the importance of aligning the ecosystem and providing core open-source building blocks to make this all possible.

Spruce Команда

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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Lauren Withee
UX | UI Designer & Researcher
Kevin Miller
System Engineer
Oliver Terbu
Senior Technical Product Manager
Gregory Rocco
Dani Johnson
Head Of Operations
Javi Ocampo
Product Manager, APAC
Kelsey Rhoda
Software Engineer
Wayne Chang
Co-Founder and CEO

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