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Медиа-платформа Socialife. Социальные медиа, где обмен вещами становится вещью, которая может принести вам пользу. Socialife - это информационная и коммуникационная среда между отдельными лицами и группами, призванная обеспечить больше знаний в мире цифровых технологий
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1 нояб. 2018 г.
30 нояб. 2018 г.
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О проекте SociaLife

Социальные сети помогают нам общаться без ограничений. Не только & NBSP; с близкими друзьями, но даже с друзьями в разных городах, странах или континентах можно связаться с социальными сетями. Также с социальными & NBSP; СМИ, мы можем привлечь людей с такой же страстью, чтобы они & NBSP; может взаимодействовать и даже получать личную прибыль в этой области & nbsp; они освоили.

Скорость социальных сетей теперь превосходит другую существующую информацию, такую ​​как телевидение или печатные СМИ. Информация включает в себя новости о новейших технологиях, цифровом контенте, финансовых технологиях, движениях цен на различных рынках, а также информацию в виде советов и рекомендаций. уловки в ведении различных предприятий в мире цифровых технологий легко.

Socialife - это информационная и коммуникационная среда между отдельными лицами и группами, призванная предоставить пользователям больше знаний в мире цифровых технологий, особенно в мире криптографии. Например, знание полезности цифровых технологий, создание / анализ активов цифровой валюты, криптовалюта исторических знаний / мировых технологий, уникальные факты и т. Д.

В целом, определение социальных сетей - это онлайн-медиа, где пользователи могут общаться друг с другом и взаимодействовать через сеть Интернет. SOCIALIFE GLOBAL PLATFORM - это социальная сеть, основанная на наградах, которая поддерживается технологией Blockchain. С помощью этой технологии Глобальная платформа Socialife может объединить всех людей, а также дать им моральное и материальное удовлетворение.


Все загружаемые данные и мультимедиа хранятся в зашифрованном децентрализованном хранилище, которое разработано и поддерживается Socialife. Пользователи на Socialife смогут помочь поддерживать чистоту и безопасность платформы, удаляя спам и репосты. Токены будут распространяться по базовому алгоритму Activy и интегрироваться с веб-сайтом для согласования стимулов для пользователей Socialife. Пользователи могут предоставить убедительную информацию о продуктах, услугах или организациях. Socialife предоставляет вознаграждение владельцам токенов SLIFE в будущем. Платформа SOCIALIFE имеет множество платных функций, которые используют SLIFE в качестве платежного средства.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

SociaLife Команда

Проверено 82%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Thama Putra
IT Support
Haris Prasetyo
Community Support
Walmon Tampubolon
Community Support
Anggoro Tias
Community Support
Rizky Famy
Community Support
Hanif Azkia
Technical Support
Raka Haryadi
Technical Support
Dean Setyawan
IT Support and Graphic Designer
Mario Marcianno Suya...
Graphic Designer
Dimas Pramana Putra
Chief Operating Officer
Ridwan Suryadi
The leaders of the socialife


Проверено 100%

Erlang Febrian

SociaLife Интервью

Haris Prasetyo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
excellent concept about social media sharing and combine with blockchain tech on their platform media
What do you think about idea?
make communicate with all people around the world on the sharing news & info about blockchain tech for the great future
Walmon Tampubolon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
support and expand or can be called introducing a poject socialife to people so that people know that this is a serious poject with the time set. like through airdrop that was helped with social media that has been determined
What do you think about idea?
SOCIALlFE will become social media based on crypto currency .
Make communicate with all people around the world on the sharing news & info about blockchain tech for the great future
Anggoro Tias
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am in SociaLife as a Community support. My role in SociaLife is focused on promoting SociaLife to the cryptocurrency communities throughout the world and I also manage social media on SociaLife.
What do you think about idea?
This project has a very genius concept. Why? because social media users are also able to earn money when he routinely makes posts, and uploads images on SociaLife.
Rizky Famy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I manage social media including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, Medium, Youtube, and Bitcointalk. Other than that I advertise this project
What do you think about idea?
Social media that I've always wanted is like a SociaLife concept. Where we can meet all the people in the world who work in the same area, we can exchange thoughts and share information or news about the blockchain
Hanif Azkia
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in this team as a technical support who helping everything they need, work hardly for this solid team
What do you think about idea?
Making a new different project from the other project. Which can help them, who always use social media but, the can earn profit from it
Raka Haryadi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I play a technical support role at SociaLife, my role is to help Founders, and those who are members of the development team to build, and develop our current platform.
What do you think about idea?
The concept at SociaLife is currently a concept that I have been looking for. Where we can have good social media and make a field of money for those who participants.
Dean Setyawan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Art is an expression of observation and casting experience related to feelings, physical and psychological activity in the form of work. I'm proud of being able to join Socialife, because here I see an innovation how to convey a message, impression, purpose, mission and vision in an attractive and beautiful design.
What do you think about idea?
Something big starts from the smallest. That's what you will see from Socialife, where our team is committed to developing a project that refers to the trust and solidity of a community.
Mario Marcianno Suyatna
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
i am a designer graphic on this project, i made an illustration on the whitepapper and every announcement picture in social media of SociaLife.
What do you think about idea?
this is a great project, positive project who will made u get every little thing information about cryptocurrency in the future.
Ridwan Suryadi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am CEO of The SocialIfe, I am in charge of the strategic and operational management . I developed strategies, and methods for evaluating investment projects.
What do you think about idea?
It will give people a new perspective to blockchain and social media industry.
Socialife is an amazing idea implemented by solid professional team.
Erlang Febrian
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
This team is very solid and full of creativity in its development, has the potential to develop and continue to grow. Because they have been in the crypto world for a long time, their experience is very much. I am very happy to support and be an advisor in this project.
What do you think about idea?
We are saturated with all the existing social media, lots of junk news. Many news of falsehood, and used by a handful of people for their personal interests. With the digital world growing, the quality and confidence in the news has declined. With the existence of socialife people will be able to judge for themselves quality and quality news. And of course in the socialife platform there are many benefits that will be gained by news providers, creator contents, and many other benefits. So that later it will develop into a startup that is built from a quality social media community.

SociaLife Последние Новости

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