

Created using Figma
Designed and expertly coded from the ground up, Schnoodle bridges key concepts that define the crypto space including DeFi, DAO, memes, NFTs, and yield farming.
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О проекте Schnoodle

Schnoodle is a progressive DeFi cryptocurrency. It is the world's first truly trustless DAO with advanced bespoke technology including our automated wealth distribution system known as BARK (Blockchain Automated Reward Kickbacks), and our neoteric Moon Farming Platform. It's like yield farming, but on the moon.

Your balance grows automatically all day, every day, simply by holding SNOOD!


Automated Wealth Distribution System

This is the Blockchain Automated Reward Kickbacks (BARK) algorithm where all transfers incur a 4% fee that is proportionately distributed to all holders automatically as instant rewards.

Eleemosynary Fund

Schnoodle is a coin with a conscience. 1% of all transfers go to a designated beneficiary. This can be a charity, but also any worthy cause that the community feels passionate towards.

Upgradeable ERC-777 Standard

Schnoodle has leveraged the full capabilities of OpenZeppelin Contracts to become the only upgradeable ERC-777 DeFi token in existence. Maximum security. Seamless evolution enabled.

Governance and Multisig Protection

All upgrades have three layers of protection to ensure full protection and community confidence. Snapshot voting system, 24-hour timelock on contract interaction including upgrades, and Gnosis Safe multisig protection.

Fully Trustless DAO Ecosystem

Using the SafeSnap DAO module, and on-chain execution of off-chain votes using escalation-game-based oracle reality.eth, contract administration is fully under community control for a 100% trustless DAO ecosystem.

Moon Farming Platform

Schnoodle has created its own sophisticated and neoteric yield farming platform monikered Moon Farming. It is the first of its kind with automated regulation of rewards, a gamified yield system, flexible options, and unlimited strategies.

Schnoodle Команда

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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Jason Payne
Founder | CTO
Nela Bellovoda
Social Media Manager | Lunar Strategy
Matthew O'connell
Software Engineer
Kote Akhaladze
Software Engineer
Marcos Nogue Urenda
Senior 3D Artist | Ubisoft


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Tim Haldorsson
Marketing Advisor | Lunar Strategy
Shann Holmberg
Marketing Advisor | Lunar Strategy

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