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Стрелы. Одноранговая платформа финансовой защиты, основанная на технологии блокчейна, которая революционизирует сектор страхования, устраняя необходимость в дорогостоящих и бюрократических страховых конгломератах и ​​дорогостоящих посреднических структурах. Платформа позволяет пользователям организовать свою собственную финансовую защиту, которая является простой, доступной и доступной для всех по всему миру, что позволяет компаниям эффективно предлагать услуги.
Sale period
16 мая 2018 г.
15 июн. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Цель 1 200 000.00 USD
Cap 700 000.00 USD
  • 1 STAE
    1.04 USD
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О проекте Sagittae

О Стрельце

Индустрия страхования становится все более затратной неэффективный сектор рынка. Большая доля страхователей страховые взносы расходуются
на многие другие вещи, кроме оплаты претензий.

Sagittae представляет новую модель защиты от рисков, основанную на технология блокчейна. Это децентрализованный и революционизирующий альтернатива традиционному страхованию, полностью исключая необходимость дорогих и бюрократических страховых конгломератов и дорогостоящие посреднические (брокерские) структуры.

Мы разложили цепочку создания стоимости страхования и создали совершенно новая система распределения рисков. В этой системе:

• аффинные группы могут организовать собственную финансовую защиту через цифровые одноранговые контракты для распределения рисков;
• поставщики услуг имеют возможность вести бизнес с этими группы; и
• реальная ценность, защита и стабильность предлагаются через Фонд взаимного хранения.

Sagittae Roadmap

  • May 16, 2018

  • Token Sale (round 1)
  • September 2018

  • Establishment of the Mutual Custodian Fund
  • January 2019

  • Release of IT Platform
  • February 2019

  • Token Sale (round 2)
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  • March 2019

  • Launch of first 2 risk protection schemes as proof of concept
  • May 2019

  • Launch Global Marketing Campaign
  • June 2019

  • Listing of STAE-Token on exchanges
  • December 2019

  • Enrolment of 50th p2p risk protection scheme
  • January 2020

  • Token Sale (round 3)
  • December 2020

  • 1.5 million users and 4000 service providers worldwide

Sagittae Команда

Проверено 100%

Robert Volkert
Ton Wennekendonk
Jan Hooper,
Ching Wen Wong
Business Development Director Asia
Javeria Ghuman
Legal & Compliance Officer
Alexander Remie
Principal Blockchain Developer


Проверено 100%

Randi Cigelnik
Legal Advisory Board

Sagittae Интервью

Robert Volkert
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the CEO of Sagittae P2P financial protection.
Ton Wennekendonk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As COO I am involved in many different aspects of the start-up activities. It is very exciting to be part of this project and I am strongly convinced that we will change the insurance industry.
Randi Cigelnik
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am serving on the advisory board as a legal advisor. The concept of P2P protection through a Blockchain application opens up a global marketplace for risk sharing.
Jan Hooper,
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As team member of Sagittae, our actuarial knowledge and experience will be used to assist in the development of the platform's underwriting models and algorithms
Ching Wen Wong
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for business development (Asia) pursuing opportunities for long-term growth from customers, markets and relationships. I believe that P2P financial protection with blockchain technology will be a sustainable business model, harnessing the power of communities to provide more customised solutions.
Javeria Ghuman
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a Sagittae team member I am responsible for legal and compliance. In the current environment where government regulation and compliance are of such importance Sagittae takes this very seriously.
Alexander Remie
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Responsible for Development of the (Blockchain) IT Platform
5.0 2
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

Sagittae Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a peer-to-peer financial protection platform based on blockchain technology which revolutionizes the insurance sector by eliminating the need for the expensive and bureaucratic insurance conglomerates and costly middleman structures


  • The platform use decomposes the insurance value  enabling the individuals to create their own groups for risk sharing enabling them to organize their own financial protection
  • The platform structure adopted is  a favorable and cost-effective  as it reduces the high expenses incurred by the insurance industries on labour force
  • The platform use doesn’t involve any shareholder hence the  involved groups share their  risks effectively
  • Transactions  on the platform are easily carried out through the use of STAE- tokens  which is exchangeable with fiat and other  cryptocurrencies promoting  a global  and unconditional access to the risk protection scheme
  • The P2P scheme  published on the platform is linked to a smart contract  on Ethereum blockchain  enabling the protection of  the scheme eliminating  fraud and third-party interference
  • The platform  has good team involved with relevant experience  and  skills as the founder Robert Volkert has  many years of experience in international insurance  industry hence promoting easy implementation of the project
  • The platform  white paper is elaborate  with the project details  clearly  shown  to enable the users  to effectively protect their assets via their own groups


  • The platform token use doesn’t guarantee the holders of any rights  over the insurance company
  • The associated risks protection by the platform is not  highlighted in the white paper
  • The platform white paper is not available in other commonly used languages to enable its extensive use


  • The platform STAE token should give the holders more rights over the company by  having a share of the dividends and profits generated
  • The  platform white paper should be made available in other languages to promote its usage across the globe
  • The associated risks protected under the platform should be highlighted in the white paper


The platform enables the users to organize their own financial protection which are simple, affordable and accessible to everyone across the globe enabling businesses to offer services effectively. This makes the project viable and I would invest in it.

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