RING Financial

RING Financial

Created using Figma
Combining the demand for high yield DeFi protocols with the simplicity of one token
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    RING/WBNB 2 год назад
    $ 0.4012
    $ 8.973 K
To be announced
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О проекте RING Financial

What is the RING token ?

RING is a token that is designed to generate high-yield rewards for you, by combining more than 30 different DeFi yield protocols.

This means that you will be able to take advantage of a large variety of yield-generating protocols, without having to find the best ones yourself and conduct due-diligence, and without having to pay for the fees of each platform.

How to get RING lifetime rewards ?

RING uses a simple yet innovative mechanism to redistribute the yield while supporting the growth of the token : the RING-nodes.

You can create a RING-node with 10 RING tokens. Once your node is created, it can’t be undone and it generates lifetime returns in RING tokens for you.

What happens to the 10 RING used to create a node ?

When a RING-node is created, 7 RING are transferred to the rewards pool, 1 RING is added to the liquidity pool as 50% RING and 50% BNB, and 2 RING are transferred to the marketing/team wallet to ensure the stabilization of the whole protocol, and of the token growth.

Which DeFi yield protocols are currently used by RING ?

RING has just been launched (this means that you are still very early) so our current focus is to ensure the stability and growth of RING, leveraging its powerful tokenomics designed for a steady growth.

The next step of our roadmap is to begin navigating between different DeFi yield protocols. That being said, you can already now receive very high lifetime returns by creating RING-nodes.

Why is RING on the Binance Smart Chain ?

Our goal is to bring DeFi into the average household. Ethereum's high gas fees make it impossible for most people to access the Ethereum network.

We want RING to be accessible to everyone, including small holders, so we chose to be on the Binance Smart Chain. However, this does not prevent us from taking advantage of DeFi yield protocols on Ethereum.

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