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О проекте Revomon

Revomon is an exciting new online role-playing metaverse (RPG) that combines an incredible, immersive virtual-reality experience with the ground-breaking technology behind non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This synergy will allow for the creation of real value in a virtual world by leveraging highlight. We have created a metaverse where players can socialize with each other while hunting for wild Revomon. Think Axie Infinity meets Pokémon Go but in a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) environment. The game itself combines VR experiences such as grabbing, throwing, shooting and free movement with the disruptive innovations that are only possible through blockchain technology, namely:
  •   Ownership (NFTs).
  •   Play and earn (own).
  •   Community governance. Virtual Reality technologies Market studies by well-established entities such as Goldman Sachs Investment, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) USA and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) China underscore the fact that the VR sector has a huge potential over the coming decades. To help visualise this we will look at research from the Nielsen firm and its subsidiary "SuperData" who study the gaming industry closely. In 2020, the virtual reality market (hardware and software) was valued at around 40 billion dollars.  


        We believe in a game built and led by its community. ✔️ We believe in a place where your entertainment can be turned into a source of income. ✔️ We believe in a future where players truly own what they collect. Revomon’s destiny is to become the first VR game powered by a decentralized application (Dapp) on the blockchain. We are bringing four new dimensions to the gaming industry through the Revomon native token, $REVO:  
  •   Ownership
  •   Play to earn
  •   Project governance
  •   Staking

Revomon Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

CEO | CoFounder
CTO | CoFounder
Game Director | CoFounder
Lead Developer

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