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Последнее обновление

1 февр. 2024 г.

RAMS Coin is a captivating and enigmatic cryptocurrency that harnesses the mystical energy of the universe. Inspired by ancinet wisdom and powered by blockchain technology, RAMS Coin aims to create a unique ecosystem called Mysticverse. By merging the mystic realm with the modern world of cryptocurrencies, RAMS Coin offers users an extraordinary opportunity to explore the depths of spirituality.
31 окт. 2023 г.
26 апр. 2024 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Cap 10 000 000.00 USD
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Binance Smart Chain

О проекте RAMS Coin

With RAMS, the celestial power of the ram comes to life, guiding you on a transformative journey through the convergence of astrology and blockchain. As the embodiment of strength and determination, RAMS empowers you to delve into the profound wisdom of the stars and leverage it for your investment ventures.


Mysticverse is planned to have the following functionalities:

- Astrology Insights
Users gain a deeper understanding of their astrological profile and how celestial influences impact their lives, relationships and personal growth.

- Numerology Reports
Users gain insights into their life's purpose, personality traits and potential life through numerological analysis

-Karma Tracker
Encourages midfulness and personal growth by helping users track and improve their karmic journey.

-Tarot and Divination
Offers users a mystical way to seek guidance, gain self-awareness and make informed decisions

-Community Forums
Fosters a sense of belonging community and knowledge sharing among users, creating supportive environment for spiritual exploration.

Техническая информация

RAMS Coin operates on a decentralized blockchain network, ensuring security and privacy for users' transactions. The immutable and transparent nature of the blockchain provides a foundation of trust, fostering a secure and reliable ecosystem.

RAMS Coin Roadmap


  • Phase 1

    Experience the mystic launch of our crypto coin, opening doors to limitless potential.

    Our crypto coin takes flight into the mystical realm, gracing the listings of Coingecko and CoinMarketCap.

    With 1000 + mystical holders, our crypto coin weaves a web of prosperity, enchanting all who embrace its transformative power.

    Unleash the mystic power of our community, sending RAMS soaring as it trends across social media.

    Phase 2

    Embrace the mystic unity as our community joins forces, forging powerful partnerships that transcend boundaries.

    Stay enlightened with the mystical RAMS newsletter, a gateway to the latest updates and enchanting insights.

    RAMS unlocks new realms of opportunity with CEX listings, expanding its reach by 10% and inviting seekers of mystic fortune.

    RAMS mystically expands by 10% with DEX listings, unlocking new realms of trading possibilities.

    Phase 3

    Join our private community, where mystic connections thrive, secrets are shared, and abundance awaits.

    Explore the mystic realm of RAMS with our captivating merch, featuring enchanting designs and ethereal symbols.

    Unleash the power of RAMS with our suite of mystic tools, designed to empower you on your crypto journey and unlock hidden possibilities.

    Enroll in RAMS Mysticverse, where mystical knowledge awaits to empower and transform your crypto journey.

RAMS Coin Команда

Проверено 100%

45 ICOs

$6 907 475

CMO(Chief Marketing Officer)

RAMS Coin Интервью

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As the CMO, I'm particularly excited about the marketing prospects of RAMS Coin in the MysticVerse. We have a remarkable opportunity to craft an immersive and captivating narrative around this project.
As a marketing specialist (CMO) at RAMS Coin, my role was pivotal in driving awareness and attracting investors. I was responsabile for:
1. Marketing strategy: Developing a robust marketing strategy aligned with our business goals and market needs.
2. Multi-channel promotion: Managing ICO promotion across various channels, including social media, online advertising, email campaigns and influencer collaborations.
3. Content creation: Creating high-quality content such as articles, infographics and videos to educate potential investors about our project's advantages, features and prospects.
4. Community management: Engaging with and managing the online community to foster interest and support for our ICO.
What do you think about idea?
As a marketing spcialist, I see imense possibilities for creating possibilities for creating a compelling narrative around RAMS Coin and the MysticVerse, capturing the imagination of our target audience. With the right strategies and execution, we can effectively communicate the project's value proposition, generate interest and attract the right investors. I'm fully comitted to contributing to the succes of Rams Coin in the MysticVerse and am eager to be part of this innovative journey.

RAMS Coin Последние Новости

  • Поскольку могут существовать временные различия в обновлениях информации, точная информация о каждом проекте ICO должна проверяться через его официальный веб-сайт или другие каналы связи.
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