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RAILGUN is a robust, zero-knowledge substrate built on Eth//reum, enabling privacy and anonymity for users and on-chain applications. RAILGUN is a smart contract that brings privacy to cryptocurrencies and DeFi.

By using RAILGUN, your wallet address will be removed from your actions and transactions on Blockchains where that information was previously available for anyone who cares to look. This is similar to having your bank balance and spending history revealed whenever you use a debit card.
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О проекте RAILGUN

RAILGUN is a collection of smart contracts that verify zero-knowledge proofs, allowing users to make, send or receive transactions without revealing any assets, amounts, or identities. In much the same way, it also allows users to interact with smart contracts, such as those used for DEX trading, yield farming and other dApps (decentralised Apps). Layered on top of this on-chain system is a suite of adapters called Adapt Modules for existing applications on Ethereum that anyone can deploy. 


Privacy is something all humans instinctually value. It is a well-recognized human right, and even those who deny it to others expect it for themselves. Privacy and anonymity should be the default, not the exception. Your consent should be needed before your personal or financial details are revealed to any would-be voyeur.

A small community of passionate and skilled privacy enthusiasts are developing RAILGUN, a privacy and anonymity system built directly on-chain on Ethereum, from which you can interact directly with DEXs, lending platforms, and popular smart contract applications. RAILGUN keeps your actions secret, protecting your privacy, and allows you to keep your identity secret - thus giving you anonymity. RAILGUN does this without you ever having to leave the safety and liveliness of Ethereum and its booming ecosystem. Not only that, RAILGUN will bring its revolutionary advantages to other blockchain ecosystems in rapid succession.

If you ever need to be transparent, RAILGUN can generate a verifiable report of your actions and balances (for an auditor or compliance officer, for example), with a privacy preserving Zero Knowledge method. This means your funds will still be hidden from the public, but you can provide evidence of the sources to your chosen colleague or recipient. The goal of RAILGUN is not to strip away the third-party verifiability of actions taken on-chain, but rather to give back to users the power to choose who sees what, when, and why.


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Alan Scott Jr.
Dr. Andrey Kravchenk...
Project Manager
Kieran Mesquita
Hisham Galal


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Dr. Geoff Goodell Ph...
Academic Advisor

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