RadioShack Token

RadioShack Token

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RadioShack is a 100 year old brand embedded into the global consciousness… and we are going to lead the way for blockchain tech to reach mainstream adoption by other large brands.
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О проекте RadioShack Token

RadioShack is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap and "cross the chasm" of mainstream usage for Cryptocurrency The most important day for any new emerging technology is the day on which it “crosses the chasm.” The moment of mass adoption among even the most skeptical consumer. Until the iPhone, Tesla self-driving car, or crossed the chasm they were but an embryo in the economic womb. But after that crossing, they became trillion dollar assets (or close to it). We intend RadioShack to be the first protocol to pass over into mainstream usage in the history of DeFi. Harvard University, says of Geoffrey A. Moore, “(the book) Crossing the Chasm has become the bible for bringing cutting-edge products to progressively larger markets.” We intend to follow his strategy in making DeFi a household name. But currently, Moore would clearly see crypto as a tool not yet adopted by large markets. And we mean this with no disparagement to the early blockchain adopters, as they have pushed crypto close to a $3 trillion coin market cap, not an easy feat. Yet this is a blip on the radar of a globe with a $250 trillion estimated net worth. "There is something fundamentally different between a sale to an early adopter and a sale to the early majority.” -Moore We can thus infer that Crypto hasn't even gotten started yet. $3 trillion with miles to go. What an opportunity for those who come to market quickly. RadioShack DeFi is focused on the early majority. It will become the first to market with a 100 year old brand name that’s recognized in virtually all 190+ countries in the world. In the USA alone, RadioShack once had over 8,000 stores. Despite the shut-down of the original brand as an electronics retailer, its recognition has hardly diminished and is still active in South America, the Middle East, and online globally as an e-commerce store.

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