Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers

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Prime Numbers Labs is a blockchain-focused organization known for its pioneering work in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the XDC Network. Prime Numbers Labs is the entity responsible for the creation of a multitude of thriving ecosystems. The first and most renowned is the Prime Numbers XDC Ecosystem, our birthplace, and the stepping stone to becoming the entity we are today. In our view, this is just the start. We are deploying more ecosystems in more EVM blockchains.
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О проекте Prime Numbers

Prime Numbers emerged in 2021, initially with the aspiration to make a significant contribution to the academic community. However, our concept has since undergone significant transformation, to the point where our current vision bears little resemblance to the initial proposal.

Navigating through the XDC Network during our developmental phase was far from simple. We meticulously constructed our infrastructure from scratch within the network. Amidst this process, we discovered an immense potential lying within our unique Liquid NFT Staking System.

Our journey started with the development of our groundbreaking staking system. This was followed by the launch of, an innovative NFT marketplace. The next phase is the introduction of Prime Finance, our lending and borrowing protocol.

Yet, our progress doesn't end here. We are steadfast in our commitment to refine and expand our suite of offerings. We regularly roll out updates on a weekly basis to ensure continuous enhancement of our products.

Marking a new milestone, we're delighted to announce the inception of Prime Numbers Labs!

Prime Numbers Labs is the entity responsible for the creation of a multitude of thriving ecosystems. The first and most renowned is the Prime Numbers XDC Ecosystem, our birthplace, and the stepping stone to becoming the entity we are today. In our view, this is just the start. Prime Numbers Labs' portfolio can be divided into four distinct components:

- At the core of our offerings is the Liquid NFT Staking System. This system comprises a collection of NFTs with built-in staking capabilities, thereby giving each NFT an inherent value. The possible applications of this system are endless, with some notable examples including the generation of masternodes, LP staking rewards, and token staking rewards. The system has been operational for 18 months and has garnered a strong appreciation from our community.

- is a multichain NFT marketplace that serves as the hub of the Prime Numbers ecosystem, allowing the trading of NFTs from any EVM blockchain. Built on the XDC Network and launched on December 9th, 2022, PrimePort enables the creation of NFT collections and, crucially, grants ownership of the smart contract to you. Given the ever-changing nature of the NFT space, PrimePort remains an evolving project, adapting and updating in response to shifts in the landscape. Prime Numbers Labs is planning to integrate additional blockchains into PrimePort, such as ETH, Polygon, and KCC.

- Prime Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol facilitating the lending and borrowing of cryptocurrency. As the first project on the XDC network focusing on cryptocurrency lending and borrowing through a pooled liquidity system, PRIME FINANCE allows lenders to earn relatively low-risk, passive income from loan interest, eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries. The protocol also includes NFT lending and borrowing, and there are plans to incorporate additional blockchains like ETH, Polygon, and KCC.

Prime Numbers Команда

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Arturo Cantera
Andres Meneses
Victor Manero

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