The second ICO festival is dedicated to security tokens


On the 18th of June 2018, the next round of the ICO Festival will take place at the Hotel Jumeirah in Frankfurt am Main. As in the highly successful opening event in Munich, visitors from business, politics and the press can look forward to exciting lectures and workshops on the subject of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), blockchain, smart contracts and cryptocurrencies. The focus of the second ICO Festival is on the subject of security tokens. In addition, numerous innovative companies present their ICOs. The Initial Coin Offering Summit is organized by the Munich Crowd Mentor Network and the Berlin-based communications agency Quadriga Communication. The event in Frankfurt is supported by Dentons, the world’s largest international law firm.
The topic of ICOs, short for Initial Coin Offerings, is becoming increasingly important for both corporate financing and investment purposes. In an ICO, investors buy blockchain-based tokens from a project or company in the hope that the token will increase in value. Hardly a week goes by without new projects being presented in the blockchain. But with the abundance of offers, it is no wonder that investors are facing a big problem: which projects make sense and which are more illusion than reality? With the first ICO-Festival, which took place in Munich in April, the organizers have already shown how to bring this highly exciting, but sometimes confusing subject to the point. Now the next round takes place in Frankfurt, this time with the focus on security tokens. Unlike a cryptocurrency or an utility token, security tokens are backed by a real, pre-existing value and are a true alternative to the traditional stock market.
The ICO Festival in Frankfurt is supported by the world's largest law firm, Dentons. ”’The power of the lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law.’ - Jeremy Bentham. The regulator’s very critical view on ICOs combined with the current uncertainty about the suitable regulatory tray for tokens and cryptocurrencies is a vivid proof for this statement. Nowadays being active in the crypto-business and sleeping well at night is only possible with a good legal expert having your back”, explains Robert Michels, Managing Partner at Dentons in Frankfurt.
“After the meteoric rise of Bitcoin last year, there was a gold rush sentiment in the field of cryptocurrencies. Everyone wanted to get their share of the pie and thousands of projects were launched. But these were not always successful and so the euphoria has meanwhile somewhat ceased. Nevertheless, the topics ICO, blockchain, smart contracts and cryptocurrencies offer a gigantic potential that simply can´t be ignored. With the ICO Festival we want to contribute to this discussion and pool the knowledge, of the most well-known experts worldwide”, explains Kent Gaertner, Managing Director of Quadriga Communication GmbH and co-organizer of the ICO Festival.
Dr. Michael Gebert, founder of Crowd Mentor Network and also co-organizer of the ICO Festival, is convinced of the necessity of such an event at the current time and is pleased about the involvement of Dentons in Frankfurt: ”Currently many opinions about cryptocurrencies, ICOs and blockchain are buzzing in all kinds if areas, but there has never been a real exchange on equal terms between all those involved. We close this gap with the ICO Festival. With the law firm Dentons we have also been able to get exactly the right partner for our event in Frankfurt aboard, because as Mr. Michels already said: The legal framework is far from clear and comprehensive information is crucial.”
The organizers have deliberately chosen the focus on security tokens for their second event. ”With the first event in Munich, we have covered the framework for all kinds of ICOs. Now we want to go deeper and illuminate the security tokens, which are particularly interesting for corporate financing outside the stock market. But they also offer great opportunities for investors, because they are backed by a real value, like a share in a company. This increases the security of the investment”, explains Gaertner.
The ICO Festival Frankfurt will take place on 18th of June 2018 at the Jumeirah Hotel in Frankfurt am Main. Further information about the ICO-Festival and about participation possibilities is available at

Quadriga Communication GmbH
Kent Gaertner
030-30 30 80 89 - 13

About Quadriga Communication GmbH:
Quadriga Communication GmbH is a renowned, Berlin-based agency for financial communication. It offers competent, high-quality and goal-oriented consultation in the fields of publicity, product- and sales-communication, branding an event-management. The employees are experts in different areas of expertise and have many years of experience in their fields, paired with a high level of motivation, reliability and loyalty. The financial world is their passion and they are striving to offer a whole new level of quality to their costumers. This includes the strategic placement of new and existing products, the development of new markets and the purposeful communication with different stakeholders. Over the years several renowned companies from the financial sector and the publishing world have given their trust to Quadriga Communication GmbH.
About marketing society:
Founded in 2002, the marketing society helps companies master the age of complexity and build organizations of real economic and social importance.
A team of experienced entrepreneurs, former managers, coaches and specialists helps companies to face their challenges in an ever-changing world. In addition, the affiliate Crowd Mentor Network relies on an international network of universities, specialist companies and startups to engage the right experts for specific tasks.
About ICO Festival
The high-caliber conference has set itself the goal of discussing the opportunities and risks with investors, entrepreneurs, politicians and other experts. With representatives from business, politics and the financial industry, the event offers its visitors the most comprehensive picture yet of an industry, in which an enormous potential is just waiting to be unlocked.