Commerz Bank, as host of the Blockchain Finance Summit_2018 in Frankfurt, Germany


Commerz part take part in Speaker panel at the Blockchain Finance Summit, which this time is happening in Frankfurt, Germany, on 27th-28th of November. Hans Huber, the Blockchain Architect at Commerzbank, is one taking the major role. Mr.Huber will throw us a presentation about “Interoperability between Distributed Ledgers and Business Networks built with it”. Hans, on our major appreciation have also taken the role of Chairman of this Summit, taking care of the strategical success for this Event.

The Blockchain Finance Summit holds a prime focus on Insurance and Banking segment of Industry.  Audience coverage is mainly Europe, the more precise Western part including Nordic, Baltic, UK and Central site. Generally, there will be present Participants as major, leading Industry players from Finance and Insurance EU segments, who already have incorporated the Blockchain platform or hold Blockchain Innovative solution. 

Speaking panel this year, consists of eminent Industry names and market players, ABNAMRO Bank, ING Netherlands, Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, B3i, Allianz Insurance, Swiss-Re, Advance Blockchain Solution, Belfius Bank (Belgium), Bank of Lithuania, Lloyds banking group UK, Santander Bank, Cambridge Blockchain, Cointelligence. There will be several hot topic discussions in relation with regulatory, technology innovative platforms, best practice stories of Blockchain implementation, consortium and alliances between market players, crypto-world and influence of payment system, KNY (Know Your Customers), blockchain influence at frauds and claims process.

Euro-Events is more then ten years organizing high business C-Level gatherings, mostly in Finance and Insurance Segments, in major European and Wold-wide cities. Euro-Events have gather all recognition and rewords continuing with its major market success doing exclusive events, great networking seasons, satisfied attendees who have a chance to interact each-other and get in direct contact and communication, while starting future cooperation. More information.