Altcoin Magazine Mastermind Event 2019 - for Cryptocurrency Masterminds

13 августа 2019 г. ВЕРНУТЬСЯ К ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗАМ

Altcoin Magazine created the mastermind event to bring back value to crypto events. Other events tend to have too much focus on speeches, and promo keynotes, and too little focus on what really matters: networking with high-quality people. 

We don't feature speakers and keynotes, and we won’t have booths present at the event since we believe value isn't purchased but created from creativity and innovation. 

Instead, we're filling the agenda with tons of networking, and lots of amazing activities, such as live podcast and YouTube interviews, panel discussions, crypto standup comedy, case studies, creative networking workshops and much more, and we welcome all of our attendees to come up with something creative for the event as well, inspired by their own brand/company/concept such as the Startup Battle by TBS World, or the LIVE YouTube interview by ReadySetCrypto. 

At the mastermind, we've done the hard work already of gathering brilliant minds to facilitate the opportunity for you to tap into the other masterminds' knowledge, strategies, ideas, and world-class business connections, and this is what the event is all about: To take you and the other attendees to the next level by leveraging on untapped opportunities. 

We’ve got world-class attendees already which includes 21Cryptos, Bad Crypto Podcast,, Fomohunt, ReadySetCrypto, Michael Nye and that’s just a few of them. 

We've got something called "The power of the networking effect", an activity that will last for the entire three days whereas by the end of the event, you'll be almost certain to walk home having solved your three currently biggest problems, having talked to the three exact people you need to talk to, or having partnered with the three exact companies you need partner with, to take your company to the next level. Why? Because the other masterminds are in the giving mindset and will be utilizing their high- quality knowledge, and hard-earned strategies and they will be leveraging on their already established business relationships to help you fulfill your biggest needs. 

That said, I think the best way to explain the event is to take the idea of a business mastermind but swap out the boring corporate office space and 8-hour timespan that costs a minimum of $5k with a 3-day all-inclusive crypto getaway for two people from your team for $1500. What we strive for is that for you, it'll feel like a stress-free vacation, while getting 10x done in the same time thanks to our focus on moving the exact needles that bring in massive results for your business. 

As a bonus, we introduced something called attendee rewards that among other things includes the chance of winning a free interview with ReadySetCrypto, a media partnership with 21Cryptos, a free UX audit worth, a brand mention in Forbes or to win one of our 5 mastermind awards prizes. Those are just a few prizes of many. 

We need two attendees from your team, and at least one person should be a founder or executive decision-maker to allow you to maximize the value you gain from attending by making sure you can make decisions on the spot. A ticket is only $1500 and comes with free 4-star accommodation, food, drinks, beverages and taxi for the entire stay. 

I'd be really, really thrilled to meet you all in person at the venue! Get your tickets here