Predix Network

Predix Network

Created using Figma
The future of prediction-based rewards.
Данные не доступны
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • Coinbit
    PRDX/KRW 4 год назад
To be announced
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О проекте Predix Network

Predix Network is a prediction-based reward system on the Ethereum blockchain powered by PRDX, a price-reactive deflationary stakable ERC20 token. PRDX supports a tiered staking mechanism where users are placed in different staking tiers based on the staking size. PreDex is a prediction market powered by Predix Network and its native PRDX that allows for transparent and non-custodial leveraged predicting on Uniswap pairs. By its specific way of handling leverage and risk users can make leveraged predictions while only risking a default percentage of the prediction value. Instead of supporting a few preset timescales as seen with many prediction markets, PreDex supports customizable time intervals using theta decay. With liquidity incentives PreDex allows for users to get rewarded for showing proof of liquidity while simultaneously strengthening the underlying Uniswap pair against price manipulation.



PRDX runs on a 3 tier simulated Proof of Stake (POS) mechanism that allows users to lock up their Tokens inside of the Predix Smart Contract in exchange for staking rewards. To participate, the minimum needed is only 50 tokens.


All tokens are minted from the start and partially locked in special contracts, beginning with a small circulating supply and enabling holders to receive extra rewards, all while regular token burns continue to decrease the supply over time.


Think you can make a guess on where a market is going? Then you can potentially multiply your bets by several hundred %! If bets are too far off the price at the end, some of the tokens used for them are burned.

Predix Network Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Lead Developer
Front-End Engineer
Head of Design

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