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PolkaOracle is a flexible, self-evolving oracle network built on Polkadot, providing applications or smart contracts with customized real-time on-chain data feeding services.
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О проекте PolkaOracle

PolkaOracle will be built on the “Off-chain Worker” module of Substrate 2.0 to leverage Substrate nodes to perform advanced computation and data feeding entirely on-chain. The new feature of Substrate 2.0 would allow developers to build and unload more complex operations including web request, price feed, advanced computation and other CPU-intensive tasks.
PolkaOracle is a dynamic self-evolving ecosystem driven by community power and cutting-edge computable network technology. The VRF-based challenge mechanism will continuously optimize the data feeding model in the entire network, so as to provide increasingly accurate and reliable data support and verification services.   Created for maximum flexibility and reliability, PolkaOracle will be built on Substrate, the groundbreaking blockchain development framework from Parity, sharing the same key features with Polkadot, including scalability, security and interoperability, etc.   PolkaOracle adopted the built-in development module of Substrate 2.0, enabling the applications who called up the oracle service with credible and reliable real-time data feeding through the trustless on-chain operations such as on-chain computation, encryption and decryption, data verification and randomly challenge.    

PolkaOracle Последние Новости

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