Tim Brassey

  • Scottish Institute of Chartered Accountants
    • Diploma
    • Accountancy
  • Scottish Business School
    • DipAcc
    • Accountancy
  • Aberdeen University
    • MA (Hons)
    • Geography
  • See 1 more
  • University of Aberdeen
    • MA (Hons)
    • Geograpghy (with 2 Years Computing)
  • Evident Proof
    • Advisor
  • Microsoft
    • Global Account Technology Strategist for Barclays
  • Microsoft
    • Account Technology Strategist
    • Enterprise and Partner Group
    • Manufacturing Utilities and Services
  • See 8 more
  • Microsoft Ltd
    • Developer Evangelist
  • Microsoft Services
    • Partner Strategy Consultant
  • Microcenter
    • Sales and Technical Support
  • Hewlett-Packard
    • Collaborative Messaging Practice Manager
  • Microsoft Services
    • Enterprise Strategy Consultant
  • Arthur Young
    • Auditor
  • Hewlett-Packard
    • Solution Architect
  • Hewlett-Packard
    • Architect - HP Financial Services
Advisor in
Associated ICOs
Evident proof ICO
Evident proof ICO