Japheth Dillman

United States
About Japheth Dillman

We all know Japheth the Founder, Investor, Mentor, and Blockchain / ICO Enthusiast. 
But how did it all start?

Japheth Dillman began coding 30 years ago, taking collegiate courses in programming at the tender age of 10 in order to learn to program his own games. The grown-up version of Japheth is equal parts Mentor, Entrepreneur, and Investor.

The Japheth of today is a white paper author and infamous conference speaker, finding success in Mobile, VR/AR, commodities sales, and Blockchain technologies. He co-founded the YetiZen Accelerator to help other startups with their product vision, growth hacking, and design. He continues to mentor a select group of startups that excite him. 

Known for designing the world's first mobile Augmented Reality game and developing strategy for the world's first AML/KYC compliant cryptocurrency Japheth seems to be establishing a lot of "world's firsts" these days.

Wearing his investor hat, Japheth has recently helped craft a new policy in China at the federal level enabling funds to transfer Chinese currency to $USD. Japheth also has raised numerous blockchain funds to invest in cryptocurrencies, utilizing his in-house proprietary auto-trader. The company he founded, BlockBits Capital, helps the traditional finance world find a home in the exciting crypto-space and run successful ICOs. Japheth also facilitates large commodity sales of Heritage Assets, Golden Assets, Yamashita's gold, and Historical Bonds.

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