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Последнее обновление

5 дек. 2018 г.

OPP Open WiFi - это сервис, управляемый сообществом, с единственной целью - создать глобальную, бесплатную сеть с открытой точкой доступа WiFi и поощрить каждого участника за участие в нашем деле. В мире насчитывается около 2,5 миллиардов пользователей смартфонов, 80% из которых активны в социальных сетях. Wi-Fi доступ стал частью нашей повседневной жизни. И все же удивительно, что 76% из нас часто оказываются в положении, когда доступ недоступен или когда доступ заблокирован требованием оплаты. Из этих 2,5 миллиардов человек мы намерены привлечь 25 миллионов таких же людей, как и вы, в течение следующих 4 лет, чтобы присоединиться к нашему сообществу «Hotspot Hosts». Вместе мы сможем создать бесплатную, открытую и защищенную глобальную децентрализованную точку доступа WiFi, которая окажет положительное влияние на повседневную жизнь сотен миллионов людей. Наши хосты Hotspot - это такие же люди, как вы, которые платят за мобильные данные, платят за доступ к WiFi у себя дома или на работе. Наше исследование показывает, что более 80% из нас не используют все данные.
14 июл. 2018 г.
15 янв. 2019 г.
100% завершено
$4 462 120
11% cap завершено
Цель 4 000 000.00 USD
Cap 40 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 OPP
    0.4 USD
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Общее предложение
Распределение токенов
50% - Marketing and Advisor;
25% - R&D;
15% - Advocates, Consultants & Advisors;
10% - Operational Costs
Принимаемые валюты
Минимальный вклад
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированное название компании
Onpoleposition Limited
Зарегистрированная Страна
United Kingdom
Бонусная структура
Founder’s Sale: 50% discount;
Pre-Sale: 40% discount;
Public Sale: 35% - 10% discount;
Public Sale: no discount
дополнительные детали
MVP / Prototype
да ,
криптовалюта, СМИ, интернет, Программного обеспечения, связь, Большие данные

О проекте OPPopenWiFi

Why does our community love OPP Open WiFi?

We surveyed our community. We asked their thoughts on OPP Open WiFi, what they like, what’s important to them and what makes OPP Open WiFi a good ICO to be involved with.

The Product. The Concept. How we disrupt the WiFi industry 

The first thing they love about OPP Open WiFi is the simplicity and clarity of the business model. The people love the idea of being paid in exchange for sharing data that they otherwise don’t use. Many commented on how expensive Smartphone contract and internet access is in their country. They expressed how excited they are that OPP can put money back in their pockets, give them more spending power, but more than that – how OPP Open WiFi is going to take away the barriers that prevent millions of people from gaining web access every day. They like that OPP Open WiFi gives them a choice outside of the usual internet providers in their country.

The Team

Many people commented on our team. They have great confidence in the ability of our team to deliver because we have been in the business for such a long time and indeed we have worked together for a very long time. They feel confident because we are not a start up – we are an established functioning business being driven by an experienced professional team.

The Smart Contract

Our community truly understands what blockchain is, how it makes business transparent and more importantly, why it makes the OPP project so vibrant. Please view our smart contract on GitHUB.

Why is OPP Open WiFi a good ICO to invest in?

When we asked their opinions on OPP Open WiFi as an ICO to invest in the responses were very passionate.

The overriding response is that being paid for sharing data is such a strong idea that the business is destined for huge success. Many commented that they felt OPP Open WiFi will achieve mass adoption and introduce crypto to tens of millions of people. Some compared the speed with which the viral spread of OPP might occur as being the next Uber, Airbnb and even Facebook. Our community is telling us that there is a worldwide demand for our project.

Along with the demand for the OPP product our community commented on our overall business plan as described in our White Paper and Lite Paper. They commented that such a common sense approach to running a business is something not often seen in the complex world of ICO.

OPPopenWiFi Roadmap

  • Jul 2018

  • Start Pre-sale
    Establish Telegram community
    Expand existing social community
    Engage PR
    Launch GitHub
    Publish smart contract address
    Share details of prototype
  • August 2018

  • Public Sale
    Register with exchanges
    Beta test Smartphone App
    Develop Dashboard functionality
    Establish contact with advertisers
  • September 2018

  • Launch Smartphone App
    Despatch routers
    Beta test affliliate retail links
  • Nov - Dec 2018

  • 100.000 Hotspot Hosts
    Launch online retail experience
    Fully functionality of dashboard
    Expand digital marketing
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 1st Quarter 2019

  • Launch OPP credit card
    250.00 Hotspot Hosts
    Quick exchange functionality added to Dashboard
    Further team expansion to support Hotspot Host community
    Continued Marketing to reach more Hotspot Hosts

OPPopenWiFi материалы

OPPopenWiFi Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды


$4 462 120

Martin Regan
Entrepreneur & CEO


$4 462 120

Phillip Legg
Head of Technology & Security
Leo Antipov
B2B Sales Director


$4 462 120

Joanna Nemes
Marketing Coordinator
Violeta Raducanu
Community Manager
Alex Andrei
Community Manager
Alexandra Pascariu
Community Manager
Michael Peach
Head Community Manager
Iulian Gheorghe
Senior SEO, Web Developer
Susan Lawry
Head of Accounts
Claire Loe
Accounts Support
Carina Regan
Email Marketing Manager


Проверено 17%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Jared Polites
Jorge Rodriguez

18 ICOs

$92 797 298

Roman Karimov
Aravinda Babu
Nithin Reddy


$28 000 000

Chen Si Yuan

Бывшие сотрудники

Chloe De Preter
Community Manager
Daniel Piriciu
SEO Marketing Expert
Dan Parker
Blockchain Programmer
Andreea Catunianu
Digital Marketing Assistant
George Han
Blockchain Advisor
Miikka Saloseutu

OPPopenWiFi Интервью

Roman Karimov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I joined that project as Investment Advisor for providing consulting services aimed at developing the company and improving the attractiveness, overall impression and reliability of the project. I also help the project connect with potential investors and attract of investments, using my own contacts and databases.
What do you think about idea?
In my opinion, this is a very good and promising project that solves a really necessary task. Good deployment of the blockchain to resolve key elements to make WiFi sharing work. This can be the next Airbnb for WiFi!

OPPopenWiFi Последние Новости

5.0 3
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда
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