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The Monkeyverse is where a group of crypto veterans are building a better future with Web3. The OnChainMonkey (OCM) community includes the creators of major blockchains, founders of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, creators of metaverses, founders of block explorers, miners who secure a significant percentage of the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks, and many more.
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О проекте OnChainMonkey

OCM Genesis started with the idea of creating a first of its kind piece of on-chain generative art. To be first in creating this art, Genesis was launched as a stealth free mint. The collection of 10,000 monkeys has a simple clean design, while simultaneously acheiving a complex and rich distribution of traits and meta-traits that collectors will appreciate for all time.

OCM Genesis made history by being the first of its kind. The unique design and simple geometry was created by smart contract code and is recognizable anywhere. Karma evolves it by imagining some of the potential of OCM. Each trait gets special detailed treatment by our award winning art team. The Karma collection is a collection of 20,000 monkeys, where 10,000 will be paired with a Genesis monkey. Genesis holders will receive their paired Karma. The additional 10,000 will be available for a public mint. Details will be released soon.

OnChainMonkey Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды


$60 972 697

Danny Yang, Phd

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