Metaplanet Makes Strategic Shift, Adopts Bitcoin as Treasury Reserve Asset

13 мая 2024 г. BACK TO NEWS

Metaplanet, a prominent Japanese investment and consulting services company, has made a strategic decision to adopt Bitcoin (BTC) as its primary treasury reserve asset. The move comes against the backdrop of Japan's economic challenges, including high debt burdens and a volatile national currency, the yen.

In a press release issued on Monday, Metaplanet announced its unequivocal commitment to a "Bitcoin-first, Bitcoin-only" approach, prioritizing the accumulation of Bitcoin over retaining the weakening yen. The company outlined its financial strategy, which includes long-dated yen liabilities and periodic share issuances to continuously accumulate more Bitcoin.

Revealing its plans to allocate ¥200 million (approximately $1.25 million) towards acquiring Bitcoin, Metaplanet disclosed its recent purchase of an additional 19.87 BTC on May 10. This move underscores the company's proactive stance towards bolstering its Bitcoin holdings.

Since April, Metaplanet has acquired a total of 117.7 BTC (equivalent to $7.19 million), according to data from This strategic shift mirrors the approach taken by U.S.-listed MicroStrategy (MSTR), renowned for its significant Bitcoin holdings.

In response to Japan's fiscal crisis and the yen's declining value, Metaplanet has pivoted its treasury strategy to Bitcoin. The country grapples with high government debt levels, prolonged periods of negative real interest rates, and a highly volatile and weak currency.

Japan's gross debt-to-GDP ratio exceeds 254%, far surpassing global averages. The Bank of Japan (BOJ) has maintained a negative interest rate policy since 2016, further exacerbating the currency's weakness. Over the past decade, the yen has depreciated by 50% against the dollar, reflecting its declining value.

Metaplanet views Bitcoin as superior to traditional stores of value and investment, considering it fundamentally superior to other forms of political currency and crypto-assets. The company's pivot to Bitcoin underscores its confidence in the digital currency's long-term potential amid global economic uncertainties.

By embracing Bitcoin as its treasury reserve asset, Metaplanet signals a bold move towards diversifying its holdings and hedging against currency risks. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, the company's strategic shift underscores the growing relevance of digital assets in traditional finance.

As Metaplanet forges ahead with its Bitcoin-focused strategy, its decision to prioritize cryptocurrency investments reflects a broader trend towards embracing digital assets as a legitimate store of value and investment vehicle in the global financial landscape.