Base Emerges as Leader in Social Finance (SocialFi) with Friend.Tech

11 мая 2024 г. BACK TO NEWS

In a recent report, Franklin Templeton, a prominent asset manager, has highlighted Base, an Ethereum Layer 2 network incubated by Coinbase, as a frontrunner in the burgeoning realm of Social Finance (SocialFi). With its flagship application,, Base is poised to revolutionize social interactions and content monetization within the crypto space.

Dominance in SocialFi: According to Franklin Templeton, Base commands a substantial 46% share of transactions within the SocialFi sector, underscoring its dominance and growing influence. Friend.Tech, a standout application within the Base ecosystem, leverages the platform to pioneer innovative solutions for social interactions and content monetization.

Milestone Achievements: Friend.Tech has achieved significant milestones, including the launch of its second version and the FRIEND token airdrop, showcasing Base's pivotal role in driving SocialFi innovations. With a market cap of $200 million, the FRIEND token exemplifies strong community engagement and investor confidence within Base's ecosystem.

Innovative Technology: Base utilizes "optimistic rollups," a technology that accelerates transactions and reduces costs by batching them off the Ethereum mainnet. This approach enables Base to maintain Ethereum's security standards while significantly enhancing transaction throughput and efficiency.

Strategic Affiliation with Coinbase: Base's close affiliation with Coinbase, the sole sequencer of the network, has contributed to its unprecedented growth. Plans for gradual decentralization are underway, ensuring the platform's long-term sustainability and resilience.

Expansion to Layer-3: Degen Chain, a layer-3 blockchain operating atop the Base network, has rapidly gained traction, recording nearly $100 million in transactional volumes within 24 hours of its launch. While debates persist regarding the necessity and potential drawbacks of layer-3 networks, Degen Chain offers unique functionalities and value propositions within the crypto ecosystem.

In conclusion, Base's emergence as a leader in SocialFi, coupled with its innovative technology and strategic partnerships, positions it for continued growth and success in the evolving landscape of decentralized finance. As the crypto industry continues to mature, Base remains at the forefront of driving innovation and adoption in SocialFi, paving the way for a new era of decentralized social interactions and content monetization.