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MRHB Decentralized Finance Platform was started with the vision of bringing a “Muslim also” platform, rather than making it an exclusive “Muslim only” offering.
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О проекте MRHB DeFi

MRHB encourages participation in this new era of financial revolution and aims to standardize Shariah compliance within cryptocurrencies via a user-friendly interface that simplifies the complexities of both Shariah and DeFi. Through our technical expertise and extensive knowledge of how the Islamic ecosystem works, MRHB DeFi will aim to bridge the gap between the Muslim Community and the Blockchain world.


Playing a crucial role in the MRHB ecosystem are smart contracts, the self-executing piece of code ensuring that certain rules are met during the execution of a trades. Considering the principles of Islamic trade, these smart contracts have been leveraged to ensure that those principles are upheld while trading or investing into cryptocurrencies. These smart contracts not only enable the implementation of specific business use-cases but also ensures that the whole mechanism is transparent and secure.

Core Principles

MRHB DeFi is a platform built to promote the true spirit of an “Inclusive DeFi”, where all communities, including the ones from the Islamic World, can reap the rewards of DeFi. Based on the core principles of Blockchain such as trust, transparency, and security, MRHB DeFi has focused on encapsulating the principles of Shariah in Blockchain.


MRHB DeFi Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Naquib Mohammed
Chief Strategist
Deniz Dalkilic
Products & Architecture
Harly Zappino
Legal & Compliance
Hazem Ben Taarit
Operations & Finance
Amirsan Roberto
Head of Investor Relations
Ahmed Jawa
Marketing & Operations
Dr Ajmal Muhammad
Product Development & Research

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