mCoin ICO

mCoin ICO

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Последнее обновление

12 авг. 2018 г.

mCoin - первая и единственная в мире цифровая валюта, доступная без интернета. Другие криптовалюты полагаются на Интернет, исключая тех, кто не подключен. mCoin является всеобъемлющим, потому что он работает как в Интернете, так и в Интернете. Миллиарды людей смогут получить доступ к криптовалюте Blockchain в первый раз. Они будут делать это через виртуальный кошелек ONEm.
16 апр. 2018 г.
7 июл. 2018 г.
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О проекте mCoin ICO

ONEm представляет новую криптовалюту, которая работает без Интернета. mCoin - это денежная система, похожая на платежную систему Blockchain. У этого есть уникальная дебетовая карта как особенность записи деталей транзакции. Он доступен каждому с доступом к Интернету или без него, уделяя особое внимание развивающимся рынкам.

Интернет произвел революцию во многих отраслях. Он стал глобальным средством общения, обучения и торговли без границ. Тем не менее, он не является повсеместным, поскольку миллиарды людей по-прежнему остаются не связанными во всем мире.

Инклюзивный экономический рост на развивающихся рынках - это верный путь к процветанию. ONEm считает, что
катализаторами устойчивого и всестороннего экономического роста являются:

& bull; Неограниченный доступ к технологическим инновациям, которые связывают людей, бизнес, рынки, рабочие места и возможности

& bull; Лучшая финансовая доступность для стимулирования экономического участия людей и бизнеса

mCoin ICO Roadmap

  • Q2 2018

  • - Initial Coin Offering
    - IOS Wallet
    - Android Wallet
    - Roll-Out Hybrid Wallet
  • Q3 2018

  • - Roll-Out More Hybrid APPs
  • 2019

  • ONEm Exchange for mCoin

mCoin ICO Команда

Проверено 100%

Christopher Richards...
Chief Executive Officer
Hatim Ibrahim
Chief Operating Officer
Myhoa Tien
Chief Commercial Officer
Chris Horn
Chief Technology Officer
Kelly Hui
Chief Marketing Officer
Alvaro Bilbao
Product R&D Manager

Бывшие сотрудники

Philip Thompson
Business Development Manager
Nathan Christian
Strategic Advisor

mCoin ICO Интервью

Nathan Christian
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The team is very passionate about this project. It enables the three billion people around the world who don't have access to the internet to participate in the digital revolution and acquire cryptocurrency.
Christopher Richardson
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the CEO and Co-Founder of mCoin I am responsible for the strategic vision and operational plans. As a successful serial entrepreneur I am continuously exploring new and bold ideas and looking for new business opportunities. mCoin is capatlizing on an untapped market where billions of people still do not have access to the Interent. By integrating mCoin in The ONEm Platform it will allow billions of people to participate in a new technology revolution. For the better part of my life I have lived, worked and travelled all around the world and experienced first hand the challenges people face in these markets. Having been involved in many telecommunication and first of a kind projects which required challenging the status quo, I am confident that myself and the team will lead and persist in making mCoin accessible to everyone everywhere.
Hatim Ibrahim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder I am involved in the strategic and operational plans. I work closely with Christopher Richardson, who I have known for more than 25 years to execute the vision. I am also responsible for developing the mCoin expansion in Middle East and Africa. I was fortunate to work In Japan and got to experience the high tech industry as well as emerging markets. mCoin bridges the gap and provides people in emerging markets a way to access content and services whiles being able to improve their daily lives. I am excited to see mCoin being adopted globally.
Myhoa Tien
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Chief Commercial Officer and Co-Founder I am responsible for the commercial strategy and development . I am involved in commericial product development and customer engagement to drive business growth and the mCoin community. I am very passionate and determined about the mCoin project. mCoin is solving real connectivity problems and helping to make blockchain technology universally accessible to an untapped market. The positive global social impact it can have is significant.
Chris Horn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As CTO, my role is to ensure that all the technical aspects of the solution are delivered. I also work closely with the rest of the business on ideas and improvements for the product/platform roadmap.

I'm really looking forward to using my expertise in mobile and SMS to deliver mCoin to the unconnected.
Kelly Hui
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As CMO, I am responsible for the mCoin proposition and marketing delivery. My focus is to ensure rapid appreciation of the mCoin brand. I must also ensure successful executions of the mCoin adoption initiatives in the target markets to create demand.

mCoin is one of those projects which delivers a profound impact on people's lives. I am privileged to be able to use my marketing experience to make it happen for billions of unconnected people globally.
Philip Thompson
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for identifying the partners who will provide the greatest value to the end users. I am also responsible for creating the business case and negotiating contracts, to ensure that the services are commercially beneficial for all concerned.
Alvaro Bilbao
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As Product R&D Manager i am involved in many different tasks. Proud to be part of the project, mCoin represents the greatest idea of how to give access to the Blockchain technology to people without Internet connectivity and can make use of all its benefits.

mCoin ICO Последние Новости

5.0 10
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

mCoin ICO Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


ONEM is a unique, inclusive cryptocurrency that works without the internet. It utilizes LiteconBlockchain technology to facilitate a cash-like payment system. It, therefore, creates a financially inclusive platform for businesses and unbanked people. Alongside ONEM apps, this cryptocurrency will generate more economic activities complete with transaction records necessary for micro-financing in emerging markets.


  • The platform employs state-of the-art digital technologies to revive mobile voice and SMS. Consequently, all its services are inclusive and available across all platforms.
  • The platform’s Hybrid App utilizes both SMS and internet and hence can reach individuals who own smartphones but do not have internet connectivity.
  • T features a unique framework in which the platform can take third-party content and showcase the same interactively through SMS.
  • MCoin is devolved, transparent, and geared towards emerging markets. It is specifically intended to narrow the digital gap and as it accords users connectivity to modern digital systems.
  • It includes a handy virtual wallet that uses voice and SMS to manage transactions on the platform thus guaranteeing security, utility, simplicity, and compatibility.
  • Whitepaper: Besides using uncomplicated and easy to understand language, the whitepaper is comprehensive and covers all aspects of the platform.
  • Team: MCoin enjoys the backing of highly skilled and accomplished individuals who utilize their rich knowledge in the block chain systems to make the system a success.


  • The platform does not include an affiliate program that has been tried and proven to propel new inventions to greater heights.
  • The Team: While the team is composed of qualified individual, the total number of people is very small. Many team members create the diversity that goes a long way in enriching a system.
  • The decision to use MCoin ICO proceeds to boost initial utility demand for MCoins in target the may flop because the exact amount from such initial coin offer is uncertain.


  • MCoin should consider introducing an affiliate program because it holds the key t decisive penetration in the market.
  • The platform should recruit more team members, and raise the ratio of men t women so as benefit from perspectives of both genders.
  • There is a need to source for funds from other avenues that will create initial demand for MCoins because relying on proceeds from ICO may send the wrong signal to prospective users.


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