MAP Protocol

MAP Protocol

Created using Figma
MAP Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain interoperability protocol backed by a dedicated blockchain which safeguards cross-chain assets and empowers Dapps to achieve full potential
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • Bithumb
    MAP/KRW 33 минут назад
    $ 0.0200
    $ 969.226 K
  • Bithumb
    MAP/BTC год назад
    $ 0.0097
    $ 1.915 K
  • KuCoin
    MAP/USDT год назад
    $ 0.0076
    $ 104.599 K
  • Coinone
    MAP/KRW год назад
    $ 0.0073
    $ 2.718 K
    MAP/USDT 2 год назад
    $ 0.0188
    $ 415.53
  • KuCoin
    MAP/BTC 2 год назад
    $ 0.0223
    $ 6.898 K
  • Bithumb
    MAP/KRW 2 год назад
    $ 0.0171
    $ 2.208 M
  • Coinone
    MAP/KRW 2 год назад
    $ 0.0174
    $ 41.39 K
  • Coinone
    MAP/KRW 2 год назад
    $ 0.0125
    $ 40.443 K
  • Bithumb
    MAP/KRW 2 год назад
    $ 0.0123
    $ 895.147 K
To be announced
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О проекте MAP Protocol

MAP Protocol is the omnichain layer of Web3, a cross-chian interoperable protocol to empower Web3 apps to thrive in the omnichain future.

Today’s blockchain developers are building applications on multiple competing and non-interoperable blockchains, resulting in inefficient operation, low user resources, and high costs. The future is omnichain. The omnichian infrastructure is the powerhouse enabling all-chain interoperability and onboarding the next billion Web2 users into Web3.

MAP Protocol offers the provably secure omnichain infrastructure built upon Light-Client and Zero-Knowledge technology. There are four core pillars to MAP Protocol's omnichain infrastructure:

1. Full chain coverage: expandable and decentralized MAPO Relay Chain to support both EVM and Non-EVM chains connections.

2. Self-verifiable Light-Client: light-Client technology to verify all cross-chain transactions with definite and unambiguous results.

3. Advance ZK Technology: Zero-Knowledge technolgy to optimize and speed up verification process and reduce transaction costs.

4. Comprehensive SDKs: MAPO Service (MOS) and SDKs to offer built-in interoperability features for omnichain applications.

While cross-chain bridges can be easily built with MAP Protocol, the protocol itself targets a more fundamental problem and pursues a larger vision: empower Web3 applications to thrive in the omnichain future. Any Dapp built with MAP Protocol's infrastructure automatically inherits the omnichain nature of MAP Protocol without requiring the developers to tackle the error-prone cross-chain communications.

MAP Protocol is the super connector of blockchains and will facilitate Web3 applications to onboard the next millions of users.


Guarantee blockchain-level security through an independent self-verification network formed by light clients on every public blockchain.

All-Chain Coverage
Embed heterogeneous chains' signing and hashing algorithm into the EVM layer of the MAPO Relay Chain to ensure seamless communication between all chains.

Instant Confirmation
Inter-chain communication programs and on-chain smart contracts work together efficiently to ensure that speed is only related to each chain's block time.

Minimum Cost
MAP Protocol only charge the gas fee of MAPO Relay Chain and other related chains with no additional cost.

Through MAPO Service (MOS) deployed on and between public chains, dAPPs can share the liquidity of MOS's Vaults on different chains, and customize the entry threshold and incentive model of inter-chain program: messenger. Alternatively, we can use the MOS open source code to build dAPP-related Omnichain components.

MAP Protocol Roadmap

  • 2019.Q3 - 2020.Q4

  • - Release MAP Protocol v1.0, implement cross-chain solution with light-client verification without relay chain.
  • 2021.Q3

  • - Launch MAPO Relay Chain Makalu Testnet, start the ligth-client veification cross-chain between MAP Makalu and Ethereum.
    - Launch MAPO Service (MOS) for testnet.
    - Start maintainer mining, invite users to participate maintainer test.
  • 2022.Q1

  • - Support more chains decentralized cross-chain.
    - MOS supports cross-chain between Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain and MAP Makalu.
    - Invite more DeFi projects to join Makalu testnet.
  • 2022.Q2

  • - Launch MAPO Relay Chain, support more signature, hash, mining and Merkel proof calculation precompiled contracts.
    - Launch the explorer and PoS DApp.
    - Provide SDK to interact with MAPO Relay Chain.
    - Provide MOS SDK test version.
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  • 2022.Q3

  • - Extend cross-chain connections to Ethereum(EVM PoW) and Near(non-EVM PoS), which represents the technical mechanisms in blockchain space.
    - Extend cross-chain connections to popular EVM compatible chains: BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Harmony, etc.
    - Launch MAPO Service, support cross-chain data, fungible tokens and NFTS, provide shared vaults.
    - Provide MOS SDK to develope individual MOSs.
    - Support cross-chain oracles, lending, swap and other DApps.
  • 2022.Q4

  • - Extend cross-chain connections to non-EVM compatible chains: Flow and Celo.
    - Extend cross-chain connections to non-EVM compatible chains: Solana.
  • 2023.Q1

  • - Extend cross-chain connections to more EVM compatible and non-EVM compatible chains: Polkadot ecosystem's chain, Arbitrum, Optimism, etc.
  • 2023.Q3

  • - Launch various SDKs from chain development to cross-chain components. Developers can easily deploy a dedicated chain with target application direction, and cross-chain functions are already embeded from the beginning.
    - Connect more new public chains.

MAP Protocol Последние Новости

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