Supply chain includes system of organizations, people, activities, information and resources related to the transfer of products or services from the suppliers to the consumers. With internet platform, managers of supply chain management privately can change information such as the source, manufacturing processes when a product has a problem. Traceability of products is not really accurate and transparent.
LINA awared of these issues and provided a solution by management supply chain on Blockchain – where information is more secure and transparent. Hence, the process of producing raw materials to transporting the product to the end-user is stored on Blockchain. The information in each process or warehouse – where the product is stored will be stored at the node on the Blockchain network. Consequently, users can access product origins faster, more accurately and transparently than traditional supply chain.
The current Review platform has left too many deficiences, especially lack of transparency and accuracy, it has lost the trust of users when they’re watching the online reviews. The solution for the reputation companies is cooperate with LINA.REVIEW and using LINA.REVIEW platform. On this platform, consumers who use the products/services of those companies can become reviewers, LINA.REVIEW also is a platform where the third party can’t remove the comments/reviews of any users, thus ensuring the accuracy and transparency of the evaluation of the products/services.
To make the difference and increase user credibility by letting users evaluate transparently and accurately using LINA.REVIEW, large companies will use LINA.REVIEW for evaluating their products/ services. As a result, you or anyone else experiencing their products/services can become a Reviewer on LINA.REVIEW. Accurate evaluations will receive votes from other users, when you get a vote you will receive LINA token as a reward. In case your reviews receive high ratings from the community, you will become an Expert on LINA.REVIEW, that means the reward for each of your reviews will get high appreciation than other users. Your reviews also has more impact on other users.
Electronic identity is unification of citizen’s documents and personal information through a unique ID number or security code by which the system will automatically presents the basic personal information of a citizen such as name, age, gender, address…Therefore, when citizens come to the authorities to carry out administrative procedures, they only have to fill out the application, bring ID card without other documents or they can even perform those tasks online with no need to go in person. With the combination of the decentralized blockchain principle and a comprehensive system for verifying identity, it has been suggested that a digital ID can be created for each online user to serve as digital watermark affixed to all transactions carried out by the user. Blockchain gives people the control of their identity so that they can manage and share it more proactively as and when required.
As the information only works on some unique digital ledgers, other parties can participate very easily in the system. Lina can associate with the authorities competent of verifying the information to ensure the accuracy of the entered identity information. Nobody has the right to change that information except the owner of the information, so the identity information on the Lina system will have a very high credibility
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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды
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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды
Это предложение основано на информации, предоставляемой исключительно оферентом и другой общедоступной информацией. Событие продажи или обмена токеном полностью не связано с владельцем ICO, а владелец ICO не участвует в нем (включая любую техническую поддержку или продвижение). Продажи Token, перечисленные у лиц, с которыми не связан ICOholder, показаны только для того, чтобы помочь клиентам отслеживать активность, происходящую в общем секторе токенов. Эта информация не предназначена для консультаций, на которые вы должны положиться. Вы должны получить профессиональную или специальную консультацию или выполнить свою собственную должную осмотрительность, прежде чем принимать или воздерживаться от каких-либо действий на основе контента на нашем сайте. Любые условия, вносимые участниками в отношении приобретения Токенов, заключаются между ними, а эмитент Token и ICOholder не является продавцом таких токенов. ICOholder не несет никакой юридической ответственности за любые представления третьих сторон в отношении любой продажи Token, и любая претензия в связи с нарушением контракта также должна быть сделана непосредственно против зарегистрированного лица Token, перечисленного здесь. P>
Если у вас есть какие-либо опасения по поводу характера, приличия или законности продажи этого токена или лиц, участвующих в нем, обратитесь в с подробной информацией о ваших проблемах. Р> DIV>