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О проекте KINGSHIP

KINGSHIP is a supergroup consisting of three rare Bored Apes and 1 rare Mutant Ape who are disrupting the music space. Recently signed to 10:22PM, they joined forces with Manager Noët All—the multilingual crypto millionaire—to create their own world. Together, they’re scheming top-secret plans in an undisclosed location. KINGSHIP is a story- and access-driven project powered by music and blockchain technology.


KINGSHIP is the first supergroup of apes signed to a major label. They are known for their multi-Ethereum-selling music, their unique blend of boredom, and their island kingdom.

They first came together many blocks ago, at Really High School, where lead guitarist Hud was an outsider because his classmates felt his laser eyes were a clichéd trait. Another freshman, Captain (bass), who’d learned to be tough early on because his traits clashed, stuck up for him and a friendship was formed.

Life on the Ethereum blockchain isn’t easy. You can’t just change your traits. You’re stuck with them for life. All that you can change is the way other apes think about them. Bonded by the belief that great music brings every species together and transcends traits and rarity, they formed a band soon after.

Naming themselves Darkship, they spent years struggling, shuffling through singers, and playing at dive bars in the swamp. After performing at a small island party, they met Arnell, a Mutant DJ. Hitting it off immediately, they convinced her to produce and eventually join the band.

Through Arnell’s connections, they began to build a small following and attracted the attention of the legendary Manager Noët All.

At the time, Manager Noët All was doing volunteer work, helping Apes escape from the great gas war. She bridged the former King of Solana, now known as KING, to the Ethereum blockchain, using an artist visa. The plan was for KING to pretend that he was a member of the band, but it turned out he had serious talent.

KING began sharing vocal duty in the band with Hud and Captain, and the rest is history. To this day, it is a matter of some dispute and controversy whether KING was the actual King of Solana or not. What is agreed by everyone, though, is that KING rules the swamp as the singer and front-Ape of KINGSHIP.

KINGSHIP currently reside on the island where they first met Arnell. They are in the process of building four towers, one for each member of the band; each with its own unique properties and powers.

Good luck minting your Key Card. Which tower will you get —and what will happen there? You’ll find out soon.


It was the sweetest decade of rock ‘n’ roll -- or was it?

In the 1980s, one of the world's biggest rock bands insisted in its tour rider that concert promoters provide M&M’S, but remove all the brown ones.

It was widely believed to be a test, with the world envisioning someone laboriously picking through the small candies proving that they indeed don’t melt in your hands.

In actual fact, the candy clause was a brilliant measure. It was a way to quickly check whether a concert promoter had followed the rest of the instructions on their tour rider or not. A quick scan of the bowl was enough to know whether anyone had taken shortcuts or if they truly paid attention to the other important details requested by the artists.

But what happened to those brown M&M’S? At last, that mystery has been solved. KINGSHIP wanted them all to add to their mix. Not just the brown M&M’S, but every single color.

As KINGSHIP grew in stature, and began touring larger venues, lead guitarist Hud convinced the rest of the band - Captain, KING, and Arnell - to join him on an adventure during the downtime between soundcheck and the show: A search through the labyrinthine backstage areas of each venue for these legendary M&M’S to make each show sweeter.

They found several crates of M&M’S in a broom closet at Madison Square Garden, a buried cache of the classic chocolate candy at Red Rock Amphitheater, and a few stray M&M’S in the Queen’s box at Royal Albert Hall. They weren’t always successful. At some arenas, the bands that had been through before them had consumed the leftover candy, hoping they contained within them the secret to rock ‘n’ roll mastery.

But the members of KINGSHIP knew: The 1980s tour rider story was from another era. The key to living in the present is inclusion. So, they resisted the strong temptation to consume the candy, and instead united all the of the colorful M&M’S together.

As their career continued to grow, the members of KINGSHIP ran out of room in their rehearsal space to hold these sacred sweets. Fortunately, they had become lucky enough to build their own island. And that’s exactly what they did.

Legend has it that deep in the swamp, there is a mass of floating land where the M&M’S collected and united from every corner of the world.

In homage to this incredible feat of dedication, Mars, Inc., the makers of M&M’S, will officially collaborate with KINGSHIP on special limited edition boxes and jars of M&M’S. KINGSHIP holders will have the chance to receive a free box + shipping of these special KINGSHIP-branded M&M’S.

Yes, Captain, KING, Arnell, and Hud will be appearing on packages and individual M&M’S candies. They are the first NFTs to do so. And this is just the beginning of a series of massive KINGSHIP collaborations to roll out.

Why start with M&M’S? Because Manager Noët All wanted to pay tribute to one of the most classic rock ‘n’ roll stories of all time. And because KINGSHIP is about honoring the past while moving forward to a better future. One of diversity, inclusion, and elevation.


  • Chapter I

  • KINGSHIP Origin Story

    NFT Drop & Sold Out
  • Chapter II

  • Rider


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Celine Joshua
Founder & Creator
Jimmy Mcnelis
Jack Lanza
creative & animation director

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