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Kalmar is a decentralised one-stop platform on Binance Smart Chain - focusing on low transaction costs, high transaction speeds as well as a simplistic and straightforward user experience via a highly intuitive user interface.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    KALM/BUSD 2 год назад
    $ 1.99
    $ 64.681 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    KALM/WBNB 2 год назад
    $ 2.65
    $ 58.107 K
To be announced
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Liquidity Mining 59%
Private Round 9%
Partners 9%
Team 8.5%
NFT Fundraiser + IFO 14.5%
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О проекте Kalmar

By focusing on the best-working features and innovating the most successful financial instruments on Ethereum, the Kalmar team is planning on transitioning these services in order to address the demands of the same nature on the Binance Smart Chain.

These services include (but are not limited to) lending, derivatives, payments, or liquidity providing - while allowing new users to experience high transaction speeds with the benefit of paying lower transaction fees.

The transition of services are completed in accordance with Kalmar’s core principles:

  1. Adjustments based on community responses
  2. An intuitive user interface
  3. Novice-friendly user experience.

All the migrated services are subject to interoperability, aligning with Kalmar’s one-stop destination vision. All services are also intended to contribute to the revenue sharing mechanics of the Kalmar platform.

The problem

Ever since it’s release in 2015, the blockchain programming environment, Ethereum (also known as the Ethereum Virtual Machine) has shown it’s great benefits for allowing the creation of fully decentralized “smart contracts”. With the help of smart contracts, numerous successful applications have been created on Ethereum with a total value locked in the dollar equivalent of over $14B (at the time of writing).

Due to its unforeseen huge potential and high demand, these smart contracts on the blockchain continuously experience several crucial problems:

  1. High transaction fees that are incurred on users whenever the network is congested. This eventually leads to slow transactional speeds, making the network unusable in some instances.
  2. Complicated user interfaces and poor user experience where newcomers are overwhelmed, limiting certain larger and important audiences from entering the industry.
  3. High distribution of the varied and unique digital applications/services, which result in separate and steep learning curves thus limiting the potential of cross-expansion for the industry.

The mission

The Kalmar team is focused on creating a one-stop service on the block chain. Our focus is to build a project that essentially addresses the primary problems in the current blockchain environment. The pillars of Kalmar are to build products that work at low transaction costs with high transaction speeds, a simplistic and straightforward user experience as well a highly intuitive user interface.

In 2020, the Binance exchange released its own Binance Smart Chain – an alternative for the Ethereum network, providing the ability to create highly scalable smart contracts on its transaction efficient network.

Combined with the Kalmar team’s expertise in corporate experience, project management, and multi-layer marketing programs as well as extensive networks outside of the cryptocurrency world, the Kalmar team is dedicated to building the Kalmar platform to expand its use and utility not just for investments but also real-world applications. Extending a project's utility not just within the blockchain environment but to real-world uses as well.

Our vision

The demand for migrating high-valued Ethereum products to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) has been growing ever since BSC launched on the first of September, 2020. According to CoinMarketCap, BSC transaction fees are 35x cheaper compared to those on the Ethereum network while performing at much faster transactional speeds.

The Kalmar team plans on utilizing its qualified experiences outside of the blockchain industry to enter previously inaccessible but important markets. The Kalmar team consists of professional and experienced developers with data proven records of secure working products on both Ethereum and BSC. With the addition of high level corporate backing, the team will be able to build a base to access larger audiences that previously were not able to benefit from the blockchain industry due to the lack of proper user experience or complicated interfaces which demand steep learning curves.

Creating a one-stop type of environment should include fair access for all users to have ownership of the environment. The Kalmar platform is designed with the new, unaddressed markets being constantly captured by the Binance Smart Chain in mind and to generate revenue that is fairly distributed among its users.

Kalmar will provide its users with an opportunity to constantly benefit from various industries by being a participant in a single user-friendly platform.

On top of innovating, Kalmar will be heavily focused on transitioning existing solutions from other chains. The team will have a track record of success and failure points in development, as well as extensive community responses for the projects being transitioned. This would allow us to design more attractive products for users on a more scalable network.

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