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Jumbo is a platform, which market demand is judged completely by protocol. When more people buy JUB, more Jums will be produced. And all rewards will be given to project adherents who are willing to stake and compound for a long time, as well as options buyers who are willing to transfer liquidity. A deeper flow pool can be established by their support. Gainers will be with the deeply bound relationship, and they depend on each other to achieve more benefits.
The goal of Jumbo is to design an entirely new Defi model, which can make the platform asset price more stable, resist the risk of fluctuation. Meanwhile, it enables users to obtain super-high profits. Through platform currency JUB, a brand-new asset category, long-term rewards can be gained from staking, which is to resist the fluctuation risk of JUB. For users who transfer liquidity will be rewarded, so that investors could have super-high returns and resist the fluctuation risk in any portfolio. Jumbo is not only a trading platform, but also a decentralized ecosystem. All benefits are distributed through protocols. Stability and security are Jumbo's long-term guarantee.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • Hoo.com
    JUB/USDT год назад
    $ 40.04
    $ 865.358 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    JUB/USDT год назад
    $ 9.58
    $ 3.976 K
To be announced
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О проекте Jumbo

Jumbo is the latest Defi 2.0 platform, which is different from the previous Defi platform. The liquidity provider rents liquidity to the platform to get rewards. Jumbo adopts a brand-new model and rewards the platform to users who are willing to sell liquidity to the platform in the form of bond. This brand-new Defi model will master all liquidity on JUMbo platform, forming a deep moat of currency price. When more and more people get rewards from the platform, the liquidity pool will rise exponentially, and the assets generated from the transaction will also flow into the agreement treasury, constantly supporting the platform currency Jum to create higher prices and bring higher benefits to the users

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