It Remains

It Remains

Created using Figma
A generative art NFT collection on the Ethereum blockchain unlike anything you've seen before! Based on the graphic novel "It Remains". An Ethereum-powered, community-governed franchise, based on the graphic novel "It Remains". Genesis collection of 7777 generative hand-drawn Resisters. Inspired by environmental issues.
To be announced

О проекте It Remains

Born from the team’s intersecting love for art & technology - The NFT collection “It Remains: RESISTERS” consists of unique, randomly generated, hand-drawn pieces from the setting of the graphic novel, embedded on the Ehetereum blockchain, FOREVER. The pieces offer exclusive pre-release access to the original disturbing world and characters of “IT Remains”, including physical art assets such as high-res prints, action figures and first-edition graphic novels, signed by the creators.

The project’s mission is to create, promote and distribute the undying craft of storytelling, across new age mediums and audiences, through collaboration and innovation. Collectors will have the chance to own fine quality artwork - actual pieces from a complex story, already two years in the making. The DAO of holders will have voting rights over major decisions related to the release, publishing and future endeavors of the "It Remains" franchise.


It Remains is a Graphic Novel in-the-making, written by author Vasil Tuchkov & drawn by digital artist Ed Mattinian.

Genre: Beyond Dystopian / Odd / Abstract
Inspirations: Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman”, "Lucifer", Giger, Beksinsky,
Cormac Mcarthy’s “the Road”, Brian Evenson’s uncanny work, Jeff Vandermeer's otherworldliness

Premise: Father and Son at World’s End

The Yellow Mouth, a mysterious swallowing pit, at the center of a thousand lost worlds, spilling, mixing and dragging towards it. The thick, yet oily yellow shallows wobble patiently for all that is to come. Nothing escapes It, only the rare few Resisters left manage to withstand the call of Yellow Mouth. Only these two – father & son - resist its pull. For now, anyway.

It & It - father and son, walk the walk in search of meaning, struggling to preserve definition - as the last remaining archivists of the old knowledge, walking remnants of a world on the brink of erasure.


The world of “IT REMAINS” is shaped by the leftovers of а fallen civilization - humanity’s plastic debris junkyard. Set in beyond dystopia, the fictional setting’s appearance and characters are inspired by real-life global environment issues such as plastic and industrial contamination. For that reason, we plan to spread awareness and promote community-voted causes, committed to finding plastic alternatives, better plastic waste management and homeless people support initiatives.

It Remains Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Ed Mattinian
Building manager
Vasil Tuchkov
Georgi Pipikov
IT engineer
Martin Pipikov
Innovative technology enthusiast
Zornitsa Georgieva
Christo Peev
Software developer and business executive

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