Professional Hustler
Projects Raised
United States
I'm a hustler. I was Mashable employee #6. I wrote for Lifehacker back when it was a top 10 tech blog. I was a significant force in making Namecheap become one of the topmost domain name registrars in the world. I've been using social media since 1993--before it was a thing. That's what I do. I start early & I grow companies. In 2009, I published a bestselling book that was translated in five languages called The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web (O'Reilly), which covers social media technologies & explains exactly why you want to become immersed in the space. My background for that was in Internet Marketing with expertise in Social Media Marketing as it relates to content creation, promotional methods, & outreach. I also emphasize Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click strategy. In the past, I've worked in many technology related fields, from computer programming to technical support to system administration in both Linux & Microsoft environments. My recent focus has been on operational and client-facing roles, most particularly in digital media sales, where I've worked with clients small and large on amazing advertising campaigns, both brand awareness and lead-generation focused. I have managed advertising on a global scale through both inbound and outbound channels. I'm a killer closer! Customer happiness, business development, account management, revenue generation, and marketing are what I'm about these days and what I'm seeking in a new position. My final note speaks for my work ethic. As some friends and colleagues have said about me, no one has seen a level of dedication to their career quite like mine. There's a real firm level of commitment and passion that I devote to my roles. My dedication to growing the companies I represent is something I am very proud of, and I can confidently say that I am the best at what I do.
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