Morgan Pierce

Marketing Expert | ICO Advisor | Cryptocurrency Evangelist, Speaker & Educator
Projects Raised
About Morgan Pierce
Morgan is a serial entrepreneur, global speaker, venture capitalist and growth hacker. She started her first technology business in 1988, and has since been involved with more than 30 successful start-ups in Cybersecurity, Fintech, Martech, CRM and HR. Currently she is Advisor to 5 cryptocurrency start-ups that are approaching the pre-ICO phase. A graduate of Columbia University with a degree in Computer Science and Economics, Morgan started her career as an entrepreneur launching two start-ups in 3 years, both with multi-million dollar exits. She then gained experience in the multinational arena as Director of Marketing for EMEA at Oracle. In 1999, while at Oracle, she designed the first multi-lingual internet marketing platform to enter the market. Headhunted out of Oracle to launch a technology investment fund for a group of high net-worth investors, in her role as venture capitalist she led a dozen companies through successful fundraising initiatives during the dotcom boom. Now active in the ICO space, she is an advisor to start-ups in Fintech and Martech, helping them navigate the ICO process and advising on Go-To-Market strategies that differentiate and deliver significant growth results. Morgan is an accomplished public speaker and lectures globally on Blockchain and the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem.
Associated ICOs