Dhillon Kannabhiran

Founder, CEO at Hack In The Box
Projects Raised
About Dhillon Kannabhiran
Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Hack in The Box , organiser of the HITBSecConf series of network security conferences which has been held annually for over a decade in various countries including Malaysia, The Netherlands and the UAE. HITBSecConf routinely brings together some of the world's leading subject matter experts, law enforcement officials and independent researchers to discuss the next generation of attack and defense methods. Celebrating it's 10th year anniversary in 2012, HITBSecConf is today one of the most highly anticipated, must-attend annual events for network security gurus, researchers and enthusiasts. Prior to quitting his day job to lead the HITB team on crazy adventures around the world, Dhillon started off at the height of the dotcom craze as a technology journalist with PC World, ZDnet, MIS Asia and CNet. When the bubble burst, he moved on to a Malaysian telco as Chief IT Officer to spend his days in the world of Cisco AS5300s, in a land of packet switched networks at a time when Asterisk did not just mean '*' Today, Dhillon spends his days surrounded by emails, spearheading all of HITB's strategic efforts and driving the HITB team crazy... And for 3 months each year, he cycles as much of The Netherlands as he can.
Associated ICOs
Matchroom ICO
Matchroom ICO