Audrey Baverel

$ 7,000,100
Projects Raised
About Audrey Baverel
Due to long-standing function in Big 4 firms, in the tax department, followed by an in-house key tax position in a worldwide leader of e-commerce leader , Audrey built up a large/wide/exhaustive/ international tax, VAT and transfer pricing knowledge in advising Luxembourg and foreign companies (e.g. private equity, semi regulated investment funds, international groups, family companies, high net worth individuals). She particularly developed a strong expertise in digital economy and technological companies with a focus on blockchain technology (e.g. cryptoassets, initial coin offering). With such multi-sector experience, excellent capacity to adapt and evolve in ever-changing ecosystem, Audrey proved to develop creative and tailor-made tax efficient structuring solutions. At present besides tax and structuring assistance she also provides project management assistance to companies willing to initiate ICO (initial coin offering via the launch of their own cryptoasset from the ICO inception, token design, marketing and media promotion to the fundraising phase). With a solid knowledge of the ecosystem and based on the client’s vision, Audrey and experts chosen from her network join forces to succeed. Audrey is part of the following working groups and associations: - ALFI (Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry): member of the Fintech Digital working group (Blockchain and cryptoassets) - LHOFT (Luxembourg House Of Financial Technology : co-leader the tax and accounting matters with local authorities in the ICO Best Practice working group - ILA (Luxembourg Administrators Association) member and Luxembourg Female Board Pool. She is also board member of tech startups
Associated ICOs